Sunday, November 2, 2014


Posted:  16 Sep 12
Reposted: 2 Nov 14 -- to continue to help us in our search among all the world's options for constructive things to do with precious time.
Change #1: 2 Nov 14 -- added "Superhobby," Volunteerism, in the accumulator (at bottom)


This article gathers a WHOLE LOT of suggestions, all in one convenient place, for constructive free-time activities.  It may even offer suggestions for a glorious, long-term future -- my personal hope.

Immediate Applicability.
In the Section, "The Literature -- a Sampling," at the bottom of this article, is a link-list of good sources concerning HUNDREDS of available methods for using "free" time, productively -- neat hobby ideas, and such, which are circulating around the "electronic universe" -- many of which are even centuries old -- as well as those made possible by technological advances of our era.

LIFE IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN (as far as possible and appropriate to the particular situation). AND PRODUCTIVE FUN TENDS TO BE BEST, for all concerned.


This article is aimed at children, parents, pre-adults, and all the rest of us.

It briefly examines some discussions of the fun-concept; some after-school programs, mainly for organizations; after-school programs for our younger fellow humans; and hobbies for us all to consider.

I think this article is also relevant to political thought -- our people need this area attended to, as much as the more "serious" concerns. It's easy to forget that life is very much about having fun. We only get one crack at this great adventure -- as far as we can be absolutely sure (not to offend those who ARE sure about what happens after the big show appears to be over).  We may as well make it a grand adventure, rather than something less.


A.  What to do with free time?  There are good, constructive alternatives available (YES!).  Or bad ones (yuck!). Or mere, neutral time-wasters (Hmmm... )

B.  The good ones are, well, good and tend to improve things.

C.  The bad ones are undesirable and almost always worsen things.  These are excluded, since:
  1. we need to lessen any and every bad behavior, not promote it; 
  2. no deliberate knowledge is needed in order to behave badly; 
  3. badness is, in fact, the inevitable consequence of a SERIOUS LACK OF KNOWLEDGE as to the natural, intuitive, rational, logical, practical, refinable, durable, and invincible superiority of true goodness.
  4. Every bad act sets us back, sometimes permanently, rather than forward -- and FORWARD is always better, by far -- as far as the human life-experience is concerned.
  5. Our duty to ourselves and the generations is to maximize the world's inventory of goodness -- and to exclude everything else.
D.  The time-wasters could go either way -- sometimes we need to place our essences into "neutral" to let automatic things about ourselves do their good work in peace -- to refresh and "re-boot" us for another go at productive living and world enhancement; to advance the generations, as has been done for us.

However, OVERDOING time-wastage means productive progress is NOT being DELIBERATELY achieved, in a life that is almost always "too brief."


  • What provides amusement or enjoyment; specifically : playful often boisterous action or speech <full of fun>
  • A mood for finding or making amusement <all in fun>
  • A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure.
  • Enjoyment; amusement: have fun at the beach.
  • Playful, often noisy, activity.
  • Affording light mirth and laughter : amusing
  • Seeking or intended to amuse : facetious
  • The state or feeling of being pleased.
  • Enjoyment or satisfaction derived from what is to one's liking; gratification; delight.
  • Worldly or frivolous enjoyment: the pursuit of pleasure.
  • Recreation or amusement; diversion; enjoyment: Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?
  • Sensual gratification.
  • The state or quality of being active: There was not much activity in the stock market today. He doesn't have enough physical activity in his life.
  • A specific deed, action, function, or sphere of action: social activities.
  • Work, especially in elementary grades at school, that involves direct experience by the student rather than textbook study.
  • Energetic activity; animation; liveliness.
  • A use of energy or force; an active movement or operation.
  • An activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
  • An activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation: Her hobbies include stamp-collecting and woodcarving.
  • A pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation

(a Sampling, from which to pick, choose, refine, and combine)

1.  AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS (Google search)

FindYouthInfo.Gov (About)-- " was created by the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs (IWGYP), which is composed of representatives from 17 federal agencies that support programs and services focusing on youth. The IWGYP promotes the goal of positive, healthy outcomes for youth in four significant ways ..."

SUPER-IMPORTANT Youth Topics (including fun):  FindYouthInfo.Gov -- "Through the Youth Topics series, the Interagency Working Group on Youth Programs provides information, strategies, tools, and resources for youth, families, schools and community organizations related to a variety of cross-cutting topics that affect youth."

After School Alliance (About) -- "The Afterschool Alliance is working to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality afterschool programs. Afterschool programs are critical to children and families today, yet the need for programs is far from being met. -- "The US Government's official web portal for kids"

Fun (Google search)
Fun (Wikipedia discussion)

Fun Activities for Girls
Fun Activities for Boys
Fun Activities for Teenagers

Fun Activities for Elementary School
Fun Activities for Middle School
Fun Activities for High School
Fun Activities for College

(Google Searches)

(Alone OR with friends, if they stay generally focused -- smile)

For Kids

For Girls
For Teen-Age Girls

For Boys
For Teen-Age Boys

For 5-Year Olds
For Pre-Schoolers
For 6-Year Olds
For 11-Year Olds
For Autistic Children
For Kids - Home
For Tweens
For Toddlers

4.  HOBBIES FOR ALL AGES (even life-times)

General Discussion (Wikipedia)
List of Hobbies (Wikipedia)
Directory of Hobbies (Yahoo)
World's Largest List of Hobbies (
Hobby Suggestions (Google search)

Please note:  Right now, this is a basic link-list.  I hope it proves helpful and do intend to refine it. Eventually, it is hoped that a comprehensive analysis of all resources can be conducted so as to distill a clear regimen of those things that are necessary AND sufficient to accomplish constructive play-time alternatives, successfully, for various purposes and for various levels of difficulty and risk.


The "Super-Hobby" -- Volunteering, all over the place, for the public good, which bounces back and envelopes us all, for the better.  (Wikipedia discussions: (1) Volunteering; (2) Volunteerism: Subcategories AND (3) Google search: Volunteerism )

David Nelson,

All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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