Tuesday, November 4, 2014

PITTSBURG POLICE: Swearing-In & Awards Ceremony 11/12/14/WED 10:30 am

Posted:  4 Nov 14

For the People and Friends 
of the City of Pittsburg's
Police Department


To publicize and encourage public attendance, appreciation and support for "Pittsburg's Finest," on Wednesday, 12 November 14, 10:30 am, at City Hall -- where new officers will be sworn-in and exemplary service will be suitably recognized.


I personally discovered that this is an annual thrill -- but too rare opportunity -- not to be missed. Pittsburg has been superbly protected by these fine officers and civilians, all year (and for years) under the leadership of Police Chief Brian Addington -- and before him, Chief Aaron Baker.  I was not here before these two fine officers and cannot presume to comment here. but this sure feels like a TRADITION of excellence, to me.

Requested Action and Planned Intention

Come.  Mark all calendars.  Make it a determined point to show, in no uncertain terms, how much our "blue wall" mean to us -- by warming a chair and shaking the walls with applause and well wishes.

For those who can't make it -- and for the record, here -- I intend to attend and prepare an after-action report -- but it will not -- and cannot be even close to the  long-lasting, deeply meaningful reward of attending, in person.  It will change you for the better as you feel our strength.

I respectfully urge you to bring your friends, your families, or come alone -- but do come and deepen your pleasure in living in this, our own special, unique, and lovely spot, in all the universe -- Pittsburg, California.

Hope to see you there,
David Nelson

P.S.  This bulletin is also posted on the new Pittburg Police Department Civic Mentor blog (please click here). It is still a fledgling web object -- being added to, slowly, for now -- as other Civic Mentor Elements are being created.  But, ASAP, it will start to be "fed" automatically and reliably, with more and more pertinent information of value to the People and their public protectors -- until it turns into a comprehensive, living procedures manual for our part in the Police-Civic partnership.  I will keep you informed as to its progress.

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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