Saturday, November 22, 2014

CIVIC MENTOR RESEARCH TOOL: Knowledge & Wikipedia Organizing Framework (#2)

Posted: 22 Nov 14
Record of Changes

Change #1: 23 Nov -- Began expanding the investigation into the subject of "knowledge itself" inside paragraph 3, "The Interface" -- fully engaging in a process unlikely to EVER stop!  In other words, it is conceivable that this whole document will change before your very eyes -- even frequently (sometimes by the minute -- sometimes not).  Major changes will be signified by change number -- up in the title -- until a new notification scheme becomes necessary. Emergence and perfection of "The Civic Mentor" is a dynamic, perpetual, self-refining process -- until nothing is left to be done.
Change #2: 23 Nov -- Added para. 5, to explain the source of the interface-technology used here

"A logical skeleton for the great body of human knowledge"

The powerful, free-of-charge, reliable, reputable, thorough, constantly-updated, on-line Encyclopedia

Providing FAST hyperlinks to every part of the Wikipedia -- like a "control panel"

We humans tend to crave order over chaos.

This bulletin presents a speedy navigational overlay on top of the complete WIKIPEDIA --> which is a generally comprehensive "organizing-filter" --> on a HUGE portion of --> the ENTIRE Human Knowledge and Experiential Base (HKEB) --> which is, in turn, an organizing-overlay on the realities of existence --> as perceived and documented by all humankind --> and brought in reach --> within the ever-expanding boundaries of this "living" encyclopedic resource.  (They welcome donations -- a very fair, helpful thing for us to do in return, when we can -- but they do not charge a single penny for this invaluable public service -- service from the very wise, gifted, and good-hearted)
a.  AN EXTRA "SET OF KEYS" FOR UNLOCKING THE COLLECTIVE HUMAN MIND:  This bulletin is intended to provide to readers AN ADDITIONAL, thorough, easy-to-navigate, full-access, and easy-to-grasp RESEARCH TOOL into the marvelous encyclopedic resource -- complete with links -- to help readers take FULLEST ADVANTAGE OF THE AWESOME POWER CONTAINED THEREIN -- with maximum efficiency
b.  This bulletin provides an external and internal view of  the total Wikipedia landscape.  Of course, you can always go directly to articles you require, simply by Googling your topics -- but sometimes, it can be extremely helpful to have another way to explore the entire landscape -- perhaps to shine light into corners you might not have even realized existed -- or had forgotten.  This tries to fill that "gap" for you.
c.   It is also intended as a Civic Mentor system-building toolwithin the CM-project's reference system.
d.  It is further intended to test this form of interface for suitability in uniting the vast Civic Mentor landscape, itself, into a concentrated, convenient, self-explanatory, "point-of-contact-and-system-control" between system-users and every feature of the system, as these become operational.


This bulletin started out as a THOROUGH exploration of one awesome resource, Wikipedia -- but it is opening doors -- already -- into the very concept of "KNOWLEDGE, ITSELF."  WE SHALL FOLLOW WHEREVER THE THREAD LEADS -- over the time remaining to us.

<< Instructions are at the bottom of this bulletin >>
-- try refreshing the browser page.
If you have problems, leave a comment and I will see it and respond, promptly.


4.1.  DRILLING-DOWN:  Click the "words of topic" in the BLUE portion of the above interface to open any child-links attached to it -- continuing to "drill-down" until the desired link is found.

4.2.  INSTANT ACCESS TO ARTICLES:  You will note that the interface has TWO PARTS -- the upper (blue) is the navigational portion, the lower  (white) shows any actual Wikipedia article "attached" to the topic. [IF AN ICON APPEARS IN THE WHITE SPACE, instead of an article, click that icon to go where it leads]

4.3.  TO ENLARGE OR SHRINK THE ARTICLE-WINDOW -- "grab" the border between the upper and lower windows -- by pointing to it -- holding-down the left-mouse button -- and dragging the window up or down.
If you click the little "up and down-arrows" at the middle of the border, you can open or close the lower window with a single left-click -- on the arrow pointing in your desired direction.
4.4.  TO FULLY OPEN THE ARTICLE IN A SEPARATE BROWSER-TAB -- click its hyper-link in the UPPER-RIGHT CORNER of the WHITE section (lower-half of the window).

4.5.  FEEDBACK REQUESTED:  Please post any questions, suggestions, or other comments at the very bottom of this bulletin. (Kind feedback is most welcomed).


5.1  There are no "trade secrets," per se, in this Civic Mentor project -- which is about OPENLY and FREELY recognizing and celebrating the positive attributes and achievements of our magnificent species of life -- and working, hard, to overcome the negative aspects -- and making them fully accessible as building-blocks -- supporting and empowering our universal, driving, CRUCIAL need for our individual and collective well-being and betterment -- THE MOST MORAL THING WE CAN EVER ATTEND TO IN THIS LIFE.

5.2  I know some of you might be wondering about the wonderful tool used to produce the above interface.  This masterpiece of human creativity ("er... the interface") -- could well be of enormous importance to you in all or most of your efforts to better yourselves and our world.  You will be pleased to know that you can get much of its power, FREE of charge, without time-limit -- and the rest at incredibly fair pricing. AND, YOU CAN BEGIN USING IT, AT ONCE!  I have used it for years and would never wish to be without it.  CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE -- ALWAYS!

5.3  It's called "TheBrain," (perfect name for it) and they can tell you the rest -- a lot better than I can.  Click here -- and take your journey to the next levels.  I'm on your side, especially if you are on everybody else's side.

The greatest rewards in this life flow from giving our best service to others. 
The greatest happiness, from seeing to the happiness in others.

David Nelson

Have self-enriching fun exploring and "mining" 
the basic accumulation of human knowledge and experience 
as contained in this on-line portion of the HKEB.

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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