Friday, October 31, 2014

CIVIC DUTY / OPPORTUNITY: Be a County Commissioner (DL: 11/21/FRI)

Posted:  31 Oct 14


1.  Purpose

To provide some helpful information to anyone, anywhere in the nation, who might have a chance to volunteer for a County (or equivalent) Commissioner position.  Paragraph 5, below, offers some links to help those who might seriously consider applying -- by suggesting some information which I think I would consider, were I they.

To pass on an important announcement that speaks directly to the residents of Contra Costa County, California.  Here is a link to Contra Costa's Board of Supervisors Appointed Bodies, Committees and Commissions, website page. THE ANNOUNCEMENT IS IN PARAGRAPH 4, BELOW

2.  A Very Big Deal

County Commissioner!! (or State or City Commissioner and others, too) What an opportunity to serve in a big way.  To position oneself to help attract and dispense goodness across a significant territory and populace.  You know what they say.  "That the greatest rewards in this life are best found by serving others, to the best of one's abilities."  For the right person, under the right circumstances, this could be a chance to serve and thrive, in a big way.

I tell you, if I weren't committed to this Civic Mentor project -- which tries to multiply and optimize the capacity in all (including myself) -- to serve self and others -- in all life-aspects -- I would apply in a heartbeat, if circumstance permitted.  I'm certain of it.  I believe it's that big a deal to try it, at least once.  For this is a priceless opportunity to learn and do something valuable and lasting and UNIQUE.

Today, I received the embedded press release, below, from my friend, Ed Diokno -- another key part of Supervisor Glover's team -- when I felt inspired to do a little "legwork" for you -- for US -- for U.S.

3.  It seems to me

That the quality of a nation's life has a lot to do with the quality of its volunteer-spirit -- and, I think this helps explain America's greatness.  We tend to pitch-in, when it makes sense, because we are free to do so or not.  And, when there's the will, and the freedom to express it, someone will find a way and do the thing.

4.  Here, then, is the Announcement of Openings the Supervisor needs us to help fill:  Please note the 11/21/14 deadline.

5.  Here are some links you might like to look over -- just general stuff to help you explore the notion -- the playing field -- and see a bit of what it contains:

And, also, WHERE FEASIBLE, it seems reasonable 
to consider doing some, all, or none of these (sounds like a huge worklist, but that's probably just because they are individually itemized -- many surely overlap and can be done, simultaneously):

  • Attend some public Commission-meetings (of different types, since knowledge tends to be transferable, in its nature) -- and watch job-performance in action.
  • Seek sufficient information to build confidence and see where more homework is indicated.
  • Talk with some County Supervisors and Commissioners -- perhaps, current and former officials -- ask for briefings, interviews, tours, literature, suggestions, etc. -- some of the challenges of the job, current and past -- someone might even agree to become a mentor.
  • Chat it up with friends and neighbors and City, State,and other officials and civic activists one is able to encounter.
  • Research the news media for pertinent articles and data.
  • Exploit the public and private access available on the social networks.
  • And, of course, the County website and Wikipedia, etc. discussions.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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