Tuesday, November 11, 2014

AMERICAN FLAG: TODAY Veterans Day 2014 -- Fly Flags at FULL STAFF (#1)

Posted: 10 Nov
Change #1:  10 Nov -- added a relevant anecdote at the bottom.

I just received this helpful reminder by email subscription, from the "Gettysburg Flag Works" (click here to see) -- a personal favorite of mine.  It's main message is the title of this bulletin.

Naturally, these are experts on many of the national customs we cherish and have a duty to pass along the generations, intact, for as long as there is an America.

Have a wonderful day, tomorrow -- I'm sure that most of us will stop and reflect on its significance -- and I hope that all will.  That simple act is more nourishment for our souls and another power-boost for our resolve to hold our magnificent nation up in all due honor.

We can go a long way with such an internal force as knowing and appreciating our belonging to something truly greater than ourselves -- a force for human good and, I think, humankind's crown jewel (though I suppose most nations feel that way about themselves -- yet, I think we can make a mighty strong case for ourselves).

David Nelson

Oh, and just a little anecdote -- just because it relates to and supports the topic -- and might add some useful clarity as to where this Civic Mentor thing is coming from -- and how deeply-rooted it is -- which is far better that you know about me, than not:

I watch the flag rules like a hawk -- and fortunately, since I live right under a bright City streetlight, I can fly my ol' glory, 24/7 -- without violating the law which requires a flag flying all night, to be properly illuminated -- so I never have to worry until it starts looking tattered or unclean -- and needs to be replaced by a brand spanking new one -- or when the much larger "holiday" colors are raised -- or when it needs to be half-staffed.  (By the way, there is a proper way to dispose of worn-out national ensigns -- a couple of mouse-clicks away from here)

It gives me a big boost, every single time I look at it -- very, very often -- and I also often shudder, as I gaze at it, to think of a world where the United States ceased to exist -- as nearly happened during our Great Civil War.  We must never take our great good national fortune for granted -- never -- everything in this life has an expiration date -- just life being life.

I wrote a very detailed bulletin about this very topic, entitled "A NEW DARK AGE (#77) = Had the U.S. LOST Her Civil War!," in case such interests you.

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