Thursday, July 17, 2014

THE CIVIC MENTOR -- ON THE RADIO (#3) -- 7/23/14/ 6pm /PST

Posted:  17 Jul 14

1.  Purpose

    I am honored to announce my upcoming online radio interview, next Wednesday, 23 July, at 6 pm, PST.

2.  In Reference to The Civic Mentor Bulletin:

3.  Background

    1.  I recently had the great good fortune to first meet the host of the on-line program, "Hamp's Corner of America" 
-- Codis Hampton II -- by means of the Facebook blessing -- and was delighted to discover that he lives right here, in lovely Pittsburg, CA.  Since then, our fond friendship has rapidly grown, as we both came to happily realize how much we have in common -- personally, and  -- concerning the best possible future for our much-beloved nation and her people -- and, consequently, THE ENTIRE WORLD. 

<when you click the show, while it's going on, you'll be taken directly to the site and should be able to hear the program, instantly.  It will be recorded, so you can check it out, later.  Once the interview is done, I intend to put a link to it in the "Civil War" bulletin, itself -- unless I "crash and burn," in which case...(smile)>

    2.  Now, he has graciously opened this priceless opportunity for me to reach more of our people -- further introducing the early public fruits of my whole-life-project -- the evolving network-of-public-service-systems -- "The Civic Mentor" -- with my current special emphasis on creating the "National Element" of the Civic Mentor service -- which is among the most fundamental of approximately twelve major elements under construction -- though they're all interlocked and build upon one another -- and are emerging, almost simultaneously.

    3.  Yesterday, Codis also published this very kind and generous synopsis of the show, detailing for you a bit more as to what this is all about, at this link.

4.  Thrust of the Interview

    1.  Since our Civil War IS, I firmly believe, the point of the nation's utter "rebirth" --  the absolute "GROUND ZERO" in redefining what it means to be both an American AND a good human being -- then, careful analysis of that epic cataclysm -- and re-syntheses of its true meaning and ETERNAL RELEVANCE -- MUST BE at the very foundation of the "Civic Mentor / National Element," where it properly belongs -- and that's what will be primarily discussed. 

    2.  Much of the underlying logic that runs entirely through The Civic Mentor project is anchored to and flows from this fabulously meaningful Civil War starting point -- our nation's "ground zero" (even paradigm shift) -- at the very beginning of its -- modernity and coming of age -- lending logical consistency -- philosophical justification -- the sufficiently powerful moral-driving-force -- and fixed center of gravity, hence stability -- sufficient to the needs of -- every single -- interdependent -- Civic Mentor -- sub-system -- to emerge -- enabling soundly defensible -- deductions-forward -- for actual execution -- and appeals-backward -- to secure sound rationale, authority, and limits of flexibility -- throughout the useful life of the project.

    3.  The national-level is where -- our collective Civic-Life is grounded -- represented -- accounted for -- adjudicated -- concentrated -- organized -- disciplined -- reasonably controlled -- coordinated -- resourced -- systemically empowered -- expended -- and where fulfillment of the nation's greatest promise is best guaranteed.  

       a.  Virtually, everything important to us -- flows from -- our great good fortune -- in the particular nation -- fate happened to "assign" to us -- and which human brilliance and sheer guts organized -- and keeps organized -- so grandly.  

       b.  Small wonder that it all belongs at the very foundation of things -- giving us the perfect rational and secure framework -- around which to build, extend and optimize -- the collective civic mind-set and processes -- for the better and better common good.

5.  And so...

    1.  This will be my first radio interview, ever.  As you might imagine, I am both excited and was a little trepidatious -- then realized, "hey, this audience is human, so I already like them a whole lot -- and am eager to connect with them (you).  What have I to worry about?"  Whatever it is, it'll be all right.  And if I miss, well, there's always another turn at bat. 

    2.  This raises things to a brand new and totally unexpected level -- which I thought would take a bit longer to reach. There's still much to be done.  I hope I can pull this off reasonably well.  We're about to find out.  Either way, I am going to learn invaluable lessons -- and, perhaps, to teach a few -- I'll certainly try. (We all have teaching and learning to do, during this remarkable life-experience)  Neither the learning and teaching nor this Civic Mentor project must ever stop -- until there's nothing left for us to do with either.  I'm going to take as many turns at bat as I need.

    3.  Meanwhile, I hope you can squeeze a visit into your busy schedules -- that you will get as much out of it, as we intend to put in -- and that you won't be disappointed.  In all humility, I believe I am on to something quite practical -- which I MUST at least try my best -- to offer to my fellow creatures -- to try to give or help funnel to you greater advantages -- in this game of life. We can all use every advantage we can get -- so we can do and enjoy -- even more of the good things -- that make the life-experience so remarkably worthwhile.

Hope to "see you on the radio" -- the online radio.

David Nelson

Note:  Since originally writing this, I ended up creating a synopsis of the above-referenced bulletin.  I have now moved it into that bulletin, where it best belongs and have compressed this one.  Life's chain-reactions still continue to work just fine...

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement. When you can, I'd be grateful to learn how you might have found this to be useful.

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