Sunday, November 16, 2014

PRINTED EVENT PROGRAM: Pittsburg Police 2014 Swearing-in & Awards

Posted:  16 Nov 14

Here is the digitized version of the printed program, provided by Council Member Johnson, as described in the separate Civic Mentor bulletin: "CEREMONY REPORT:  Pittsburg Police 2014 Swearing-in & Awards"
Technical note:  Due to the nature of this blogging platform -- inclusion of photographics can often appear on the face of the containing-bulletin's "flipcard" -- as it appears in the blog's "bulletin board" metaphor -- (a metaphor I believe essential to the Civic Mentor mission) -- thereby obscuring the bulletin's all-important title from quick glance -- covering it over with a useless, random "thumbnail" shot of the graphic instead -- defeating the whole purpose of the bulletin board concept. Therefore, I was forced to separate the graphic into its own bulletin, here, with links between this and the main Ceremony report.

David Nelson




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