Saturday, November 29, 2014


Posted:  29 Nov 14
Change #1:  30 Nov -- added subpara. 2.2 -- to point out that community organization is a long-standing, successful concept, but has not yet attained the level of universality needed to thoroughly and effectively address the TOTALITY of society's problems and opportunities.  Lack of universality -- with the wasteful and dangerous randomness that follow from this lack -- is no way to satisfactorily confront the complexity of modern existence.  Civic Mentor exists to help correct this.


1.  Scope:  

Even though this county program is specific to Contra Costa County, California, the information and ideas are surely NATIONAL in character.  So, to serve our neighbors beyond our borders, near and far, it is hoped that this will stimulate other investigations, while I work my way toward serving you more specifically.

2.  Overview:

   2.1  As I close in on my Civic Mentor proposal to SYSTEMATICALLY and on the WIDEST and DEEPEST POSSIBLE SCALES: (1) help our neighborhoods, the heart of our cities, to each quickly unify themselves into little self-sustaining "fortresses" that bounce crime away from our doors -- and to join hands to bounce it out of cities, entire; (2) get us ready to sustain ourselves during disasters (while awaiting assistance from overtaxed first responders); (3) and to do all the other things that only organized neighborhoods can do to preserve life and property and enhance the quality of life for each other -- I stumbled across this wonderful County program during my thorough research.

   2.2  This is not to imply that countless communities are not doing precisely this and have been, for years. It IS to say that until ALL or MOST are doing this -- drawing on the wisdom, experience, and other resources of those who are already advanced to this level, we will be unable to focus enough power to satisfactorily address the problems we already know how to solve -- IN ALL THE PLACES WHERE they need to be addressed.  EVERYWHERE!

   2.3  Right now, I have amassed thousands upon thousands of words, practical concepts, web-links, and so forth -- and these MUST be consolidated and minimized and illuminated for an extremely busy people.  In view of the potential to help optimize human well-being and betterment, I am scrambling, for all I am worth, to get it done sooner rather than much later.

   2.4  Like most of us, I deplore chaos and the sad waste of things we can't afford to waste -- including each other.  A major Civic Mentor goal is to help us simplify and fulfill life, NOT complicate and impede it.

3.  In Contra Costa County's own words:

Neighborhood Preservation Program

30 Muir Road
Martinez, CA  94553

Ph: (925) 674-7207
Fx: (925) 674-7258

7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Monday - Friday
The Neighborhood Preservation program's purpose is to provide loans to low and moderate-income persons to improve their homes by correcting health and safety problems and improving livability.

Housing rehabilitation loans are available throughout the entire county of Contra Costa except for the incorporated limits of the cities of *Pittsburg and *Richmond

*Note:  Pittsburg and Richmond are excluded from this, but that's probably because the matter is being addressed elsewhere -- which will be identified and reported, as promptly as possible.  Here is what I have found, so far, that pertains -- on quick inspection:

David Nelson
Private Citizen of a Public World

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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