Monday, November 10, 2014

Pittsburg's Veterans Day 11/11/14 Ceremony (11am) & Pancake Breakfast (8:30-10)

Posted:  10 Nov 14

Both Here, in Pittsburg, CA, and Anywhere Else
That Values the U.S. & Appreciates The Ultimate Price It Deliberately Pays
for Human Well-being and Betterment!

May your enjoyment rest on 
the foundation of remembrance, reflection, and awe -- and
refresh you in your daily struggles 
for the personal and common good!

1.  We are all invited to "Pittsburg's Veterans Day Ceremony & Pancake Breakfast," a truly lovely two-event set that makes one feel good all year -- about our neighbors and how they truly feel about our common circumstance -- till the next opportunity refills the well.

2.  And please don't forget tomorrow's PITTSBURG POLICE: Swearing-In & Awards Ceremony 11/12/14/WED 10:30 am.

Considering that today celebrates those who stood and fell at the nation's walls and tomorrow celebrates those who did so at our City's walls -- and those who are still in both places -- I'd say the conjunction of events couldn't be much more perfectly timed.

See you there!

David Nelson

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