Thursday, November 20, 2014

PRIVATE MENTOR / TECH TIP / Free Computer Automation Tools (#1)

Posted:  20 Nov 14
Change #1:  30 Nov -- Added para.3, to accumulate other useful sources, as encountered.

Make Your Computer Do Repetitive Routines For You
To help optimize the precious minutes and hours, turn your system into a robot (of sorts)

1.  Statement of the Technical Problem Solved

Quoted, verbatim, from the GIZMO.COM article, "Best Free Hotkey or Macro Recorder Utility"

"Do you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again? Do you open the same program, then start another utility to help with that program, time after time, day after day? Are you visiting the same websites, or checking your email so many times a day that you lose count? Do you type the same text information so often that you could do it in your sleep?

For those of you who answer “Yes” to any of those questions, there are programs that make those tasks fast, simple, and easy to perform called Hotkey and Macro Recorder utilities."

2.  A Few Alternative Solutions
2.1   Click here to read the rest of the article and discover simple FREE AUTOMATION UTILITIES
2.2  Click here to see VIDEO TUTORIALS that quickly acquaint you with easy macro concepts and more optional solutions, 
2.3  Click here for a Google search for sites that offer defensible REVIEWS of  a wider range of free solutions

3.  More Helpful Sources (an accumulator)

A Review Guide: Top 10 Free Macro Automation Software for Computers to Perform Repetitive Tasks (

David Nelson

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