Saturday, November 8, 2014

THE WHITE HOUSE -- Videos and Messages / Veterans Day and other things.

Posted: 8 Nov 14

Editorial note:  This facsimile was transmitted via subscribed email.  The nature of this blogging platform does not permit cosmetic tampering -- to try to ease reading -- in this case.  But, the messages are still clear, relevant, and worth re-disseminating. -- DN
On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 9:24 AM, White House Snapshot <> wrote:

Here's what's going on at the White House today.
The White House, Washington
Saturday, November 08, 2014
Weekly Address: This Veterans' Day, Let's Honor Our Veterans
In this week’s address, in advance of Veterans' Day, the President paid tribute to the men and women in uniform who have given so much in service of America.
Veterans have risked their lives to protect our freedom, and we need to be there for them when they return from duty by ensuring they get the care they need and the opportunities they deserve. The President asked every American to thank and welcome home the veterans in their lives who, like all who fight for our country, are heroes worthy of our constant gratitude and support.
Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.
Watch: President Obama delivers the weekly address.

Top Stories
How Americans Are Fighting Ebola on the Front Lines
Doctors. Engineers. Scientists. Members of our military. Americans from across the country are taking the fight against Ebola to its source in West Africa in order to save lives.
These Americans are heroes -- and the people in West Africa need people like them to help ensure we bring an end to this devastating outbreak at its source.
Watch health care workers fighting against Ebola in West Africa.
"It's Time for Us to Take Care of Business"
On Wednesday afternoon, President Obama spoke to the White House press corps to discuss the midterm elections and his next steps forward.
"What stands out to me," he said, "is that the American people sent a message, one that they’ve sent for several elections now. They expect the people they elect to work as hard as they do. They expect us to focus on their ambitions and not ours. They want us to get the job done."
The President made clear that "it's time for us to take care of business," and that there are things we have to do that can't wait another two or four years.
Find out more about the press conference here.
President Barack Obama responds to a question during a press conference in the East Room of the White House, Nov. 5, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Meet the Gettysburg Veteran That Received the Medal of Honor This Week:
On Thursday afternoon, President Obama awarded the Medal of Honor to First Lieutenant Alonzo H. Cushing for his heroic acts of bravery while serving as an artillery commander during the Civil War.
Typically, the Medal of Honor is awarded within a few years of the action, but as the President noted, "sometimes even the most extraordinary stories can get lost in the passage of time."
"For this American family, this story isn’t some piece of obscure history -- it is an integral part of who they are," he said. "Our whole nation shares their pride, and celebrates what this story says about who we are."
Find out more about the Medal of Honor Ceremony here.
President Barack Obama presents the Medal of Honor for Civil War Union Army First Lieutenant Alonzo H. Cushing to Cushing's cousin, Helen Ensign in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Nov. 6, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

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