Monday, November 10, 2014

PRIVATE MENTOR / SEASONAL ROUTINE: Pre-Departure Safety -- Early Morning

Posted: 10 Nov 14

The Civic Mentor Concept primarily exists
And Enhance the Value and Meaning
Of These Most Basic Essentials

in tiny ways, as well as the largest -- and everything in between.
For example...

In the early morning, car windows are starting to get wet with condensation, again -- requiring us to add 60 or so seconds to our "pre-departure-for-work routines" on a simple but essential task -- namely, WIPING DOWN EVERYTHING WE NEED TO SEE THROUGH -- OR WITH. 

A very important INVESTMENT in the immediate and long-term future.

1.  Purpose

SIMPLE:  I urge you to take those extra seconds -- wipe down ALL windows and mirrors -- everything you might need to be able to see through, unobstructed.  Otherwise, you may be setting yourself up for a totally avoidable tragedy -- a life-time of regret -- or worse.

That's all this bulletin is for.  A friendly reminder.  If you need further convincing, you might read on...


a.  Not everyone may have thought of this, YET... or maybe overlooks the risk... or is tempted by the gambling bug ... etc... and heads out, partially blinded -- which is all it takes for disaster to strike and change the big plan.

b.  I am absolutely certain that many of our busy neighbors jump in their cars -- relying on a cursory hand-wiping (leaving what amounts to a small "peep-hole") -- and on windshield wipers and defrosters -- assuming that eventually things will clear up (without a second thought) -- which is true, they do eventually clear, but not soon enough to be a wise procedure -- and hurriedly drive on, almost blindly, with their visibility up to 90% impaired (more or less) -- temporarily -- for maybe a few blocks -- maybe more.  A GRAVE ERROR, INDEED!  A HORRENDOUS GAMBLE!

c.  Why do they do this? Because they are thinking about a million other things that fill and color the day they EXPECT to have... or because they never thought of it... or FORGOT... or someone had never mentioned it.

d.  TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE, BUT AN UNNECESSARY DANGER.  In those few blocks, so much can go wrong -- even backing out of the driveway with obscured rear and side windows might crush or bend an unseen human, or pet, or useful or hazardous object left there, inadvertently.

e.  EASY SOLUTION:  JUST KEEP SOME PAPER-TOWELS IN THE CAR OR NEAR THE GARAGE DOOR OR WHATEVER -- every little reminder helps to to keep things cool, rather than very hot.

f.  Loved ones -- look out for each other -- in this and ALL things!

3.  AN EXAMPLE -- Practicing What I Preach

Each early-morning, just before my wife heads to work, 30 miles away, and before I return to work in my "man-cave / headquarters" (I get up around 3 or 4) -- I make sure I wipe-down ALL HER CAR WINDOWS AND MIRRORS.  And, when I wave goodbye, she sees me and waves back.  THEN AND ONLY THEN, do I know I've done all I could to see that she has a safe start -- the rest is up to fate.  I much prefer to see her beloved face at the end of the day -- rather than early, but in tears -- or worse.

We'll never know how much grief we will have saved ourselves -- by a trivial set of seconds -- how much an avoidable error might have ruined our days or life-times (or those of others) -- so avoidably.

But, all it takes is that ONE time -- that one tiny omission -- when all the "exactly right" circumstances come together and explode in our faces.  Why tempt fate?

We and our society don't need another tragedy.  There are plenty of those, already.  Maybe this little bulletin will help someone do what they might not have done, otherwise -- and remind all the rest.  I dearly hope so.

Please remind those you don't wish to see in trouble -- hopefully, that means all humans within your reach, if the circumstances are right for you to do this. 

David Nelson

Oh, and while you're at it, take a look at the tires and other things that might be "planning" to ruin your day -- almost like what they do at the airport before allowing the plane to take off -- a walk-around inspection -- can't hurt, might help (smile)

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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