Saturday, November 22, 2014

51-YEARS AGO, TODAY, 11/22/14/SAT (#1)

Posted: 22 Nov 14
Change #1: 22 Nov -- added link to Wiki-article for the month "November 1963," at bottom

51-YEARS AGO, TODAY, on 11/22/1963/Friday/12:30 pm/CST
-- the world was knocked off its axis by a single act of madness!

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was cruelly added to the list of assassinated Presidents -- and the great human chain-reaction that connects us with every single human, from first to last, reverberates, for all time, from the corrupting influence of this monstrous crime. (Just as the destruction of President Lincoln and the others have left behind troubling "what if's" that still color our days)

For better or worse, everyone matters -- long after they did what they did (or refrained from doing) -- and have left the scene -- having completely altered the entire world by the fortune or misfortune of their existence.

 Here's to a World Where Such Can Never Happen Again!

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