Saturday, May 12, 2012

A VERY WINNABLE CONTEST! "The Most Interesting Town in America!"

The winner of the Reader's Digest's "America's Most Interesting Town" contest will receive a cash prize of $1,000 and...
  • his/her entry may be published in Reader’s Digest
  • and may get Pittsburg AND him/herself mentioned on the cover of the magazine.
In 2000 characters or fewer, share why Pittsburg is the most interesting  town in America.
    • Contest begins on March 2, 2012 and ends on May 29, 2012.
    • All entries must be received by 11:59 pm on May 29, 2012 
    *PITTSBURGERS!  DON'T BE IN THE LEAST BIT DISCOURAGED about the strength of Pittsburg's claim on the prized title.
    • WE HAVE A WHOLE LOT TO WORK WITH -- Please look below the following Reader's Digest excerpt for a "few" ideas to get you started!
    • AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE FOR PITTSBURG -- by clicking on different parts of this posting, until it takes you to the actual Reader's Digest site -- then follow the instructions there!
    By the way, I wish we could call ourselves something besides the awkward-sounding "Pittsburger."  A neighbor suggested "Steel-towners."  Maybe we ought to have a contest about that, too?  That's just one person's casual opinion -- mine -- just starting a conversation.
    How about a nickname, too? Lots of US cities have them.  Maybe we should, as well.

    Do You Live in America's
    Most Interesting Town?
    Tell why! We're searching coast to coast to find
    the most fascinating  in America
    Enter the contest and you'll get a chance to put your town on
    the cover of Reader's Digest  magazine plus win $1,000!
    You can also enter to win the weekly Popular vote. See Rules
    I was just thinking (for the "umpteenth" time), how interesting and vibrant and important our unique part of the universe is:
    1. Strong Hispanic influence within a diverse mix of cultures;
    2. Within easy reach, centralized from all directions, of a huge number of major and lesser California cities, satellite communities, and a wide array of social resources.
    3. Located at the confluence of two important California rivers (The Sacramento and The San Joaquin) -- with commercial shipping-terminal and recreational boating, fishing, surf-sailing, etc..  We are also at the western-most edge of the Delta, where the two rivers meet, generate abundant flora and fauna, and give that Delta its formal name.
    4. These historic waters flow, for about 40 miles, to the Pacific, blending with lesser bays and then, with one of the finest harbors and bays in the world -- San Francisco Bay;
    5. Wetlands along the shore are home to teeming wildlife, including wild turkeys, possum, otters and frogs; hiking and biking paths and wild raspberries;
    6. Prevailing brisk breezes further modulate a gentle year-round Mediterranean climate; 
    7. Big, open sky -- surrounded, at its base, by hills and mountains and palm trees and flowing waters -- and by clearly visible evidence of much vital industrial activity, which advances our civilization, on a large scale;
    8. To the north, many tall, white, spinning wind-mills all along  the opposite shore; low islands; wide open Suisun bay and distant shorelines, bridges and mountain ranges, to the north-west;
    9. Endless vistas of rolling foothills and mighty Mount Diablo to the south -- right in the middle of the County, with views, at the summit, up to far distant Mount Shasta and the Oregon border; 
    10. ONE COULD TAKE A LOT OF FINE PICTURES OF PITTSBURG -- Picturesque vistas abound, here!!!  HERE'S A RANDOM COLLECTION OF GOOGLE IMAGES (careful: a few PittsburgH, PA photos worked their way into the mix)
    11. Our "own private" highway, connecting us with the resources of neighboring Antioch;
    12. Busy railroads (with thoughtfully designed overpasses that showcase all the action, without blocking the well maintained streets -- no lengthy delays to do the simplest things around our town);
    13. Fascinating machine-like industrial buildings and efficient-looking structures distinguish the City skyline by day -- and light up the night sky like Christmas; the industrial complexes are largely threaded together, by railroads -- and are spread out along spacious fields -- whose northern edges form part of the river shore.  A lot of important things depend on the existence of Pittsburg -- even far beyond our City limits.
    14. Business-like power plants and tall transmission towers send vital power, over the hills, to near and distant communities; the transbay cable, which runs, from Pittsburg, under the SF Bay, for 53 miles,  can handle up to"40% of San Francisco's electrical requirements" (according to the 2011 State of the City report and the PPC website).
    15. Nearby rural communities, vast farmlands, delicious produce, and mountains abound just to the east, from our position at the very western gateway into the Great California Valley.
    16. Open land for limited expansion;
    17. Charming marina near a reborn and redefining downtown; children's amusement park; 
    18. Colorful history; big WWII role; charming museum; statues and murals to mark memorable personages, moments, and periods in the City's life;
    19. Convenient terminus of BART, with simple access to the resources of the entire economic region -- on DEPARTURE, we're absolutely guaranteed a seat, as the very first to board -- and on the RETURN TRIP, we can go to sleep and have a good chance of waking up in time to get off -- since it IS the last station -- end of the line; and soon "eBART" will be in place to extend our easy reach even further.
    20. Superlative political and public administration -- people and systems; An efficiently designed and intelligently run City -- with its industrial, suburban, multi-cultural mix of flavors and "small town" feel.  And, under astute leadership, the City continues to evolve, favorably, despite the recent low in the economic cycle. 
    21. Superb, very successful police and fire services; crime rate under control; and social forces are likely to become even stronger as the emerging movement, to fully organize every neighborhood, gains momentum.
    22. Vibrant housing construction industry (not to mention quite a few other important businesses, large and small); a strong "save our hills" public sentiment, which seeks to reconcile healthy growth with preserving the highly-valued natural character of the place.
    23. Excellent education system; magnificent, reputable new high school; world-class marching band; extraordinary cultural arts center there;
    24. A busy seasonal social calendar;
    25. Soccer fields everywhere; attractive parks and well-maintained, constantly renewing public environment.
    26. Home of the famous "Mecca" Mexican Restaurant -- "El Pueblo" (supermarket, authentic-style cafeteria, cafe, grille, etc.) -- The Pittsburg Pirates -- The Seafood Festival -- river tours -- Vintage Auto Shows/Parties -- The California Theater -- Modern Elks Club -- Sheriff's TrainingAcademy -- The dog "splash" ... Famous Musicians and Artists --
    27. MORE?  I DON'T HAVE A DOUBT!  Feel free to add to the list, right in the comment section, below.

     --- GOOD LUCK!  WE JUST MIGHT PULL THIS OFF! (there are a lot of creative, imaginative souls among us who can see things from a lot of different angles, never widely noticed or appreciated before -- the process of looking for them can be eye-opening.  Who knows where that could lead?)

    AND IF WE LOSE --- That just means we'll have to add a few more strategic things and keep trying and adding until we start winning all these contests -- it would be very pleasing to be seen by the nation (and even the world) as more than just a tiny dot on a huge map -- IF NOTICED AT ALL.  

    THIS IS A VERY SPECIAL PLACE which a whole lot of people would welcome knowing about.  I'm rather glad I found this particular "dot on the map."

    David Nelson

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