Friday, January 25, 2013


Posted:  25 Jan 13
Updated: 2100, 25 Jan*

Just don't know when, yet.  Doors chained -- can't tell if they've started converting the place, yet.

On the way back from a great Country Waffles breakfast, we noticed that the old "Punkin's Restaurant," which then became the old "Smith's," is now being turned into a Vietnamese Restaurant.

Happy days!  The great national abundance of the Vietnamese sub-culture in America, these days, is one of the very favorable legacies of the Vietnam War, in my opinion.  The society has been enriched, yet again, just as it's supposed to be! And, Vietnamese food is a wonderful option for a pleasantly interesting eating experience.

It was always sad to see such a prime location going to waste -- and the equally sad implications of earlier owners' business dreams going up in smoke.  Perhaps the spot wasn't quite right for the type of restaurant historically placed there.  But a Vietnamese restaurant, on the other hand, sounds very promising, indeed.

The signs on the building say that the restaurant will be called:

(sorry for lack of diacritical marks, no time, for now)

140 E. Leland
Next to Bank of America, cornered with Railroad Ave.
Across from Ace Hardware

*  I just Googled the name of the place and found this link.  I wonder if they're the same -- a chain?  The logo is the same, as I recall.   I simply LOVE Google -- must use it a thousand times a day -- a glorious Company and a brilliantly generous business plan and era-changing model!!!

David Nelson

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