Thursday, January 10, 2013

TWO OF LIFE'S GOLDEN KEYS: To Over 1000 Gov't Benefit Programs

Posted:  10 Jan 13


This article opens a treasure chest which everyone should know about -- either for their own use or to be able to tell others detected to be in need.  And, knowing what benefits exist also helps us to know what's left to be done.  And, these are just two clusters of benefits provided by a federal government which manifests, so very well, our pursuit of perfection for the benefit of humankind.


If you had a chance to consider my "from the heart" statement, entitled "POWER TO THE PEOPLE: Come, let us reason together," which tries to explain a bit of what this blog is all about, you already understand that this early tool (this blog) and the systems to come, are purely about helping our fellow humans to better survive and prosper in a wonderful, complex, sometimes hazardous modern world.

We lift each other up -- and that's exactly the way it's supposed to be, to the reasoning mind.


Almost all of us are linked into the Great Human Network and have roles to play to help keep the Great Human Chain-Reaction on course and advancing toward fulfillment of the great potential of our species, to the latest generations.

And, those unfortunate humans who are NOT linked in, sufficiently, are "lost souls" in urgent need of reclaiming, by the rest of us.

Making the chain-reaction work successfully, has everything to do with passing along and wisely using good information of all sorts, far and wide, for the best of purposes -- lifting one another up.

We are a social species and, therefore, absolutely need to help others in order to have our own best chance of living life to its fullest.


Here are two supremely important links that will open many of the doors our generous, compassionate, and practical nation has created, to raise its citizens and our world to the heights -- and keep us there:
  • Benefits.Gov -- "empowers people to make decisions for themselves and their families by providing a single website where they have access to information on nearly 1,000 government benefit and assistance programs. (And here is a Wikipedia Discussion, just in case you need it.)"
  • Kids.Gov -- "Brought to you by, is the official kids' portal for the U.S. government. We link kids, parents and teachers to U.S. government information and services on the web from government agencies, schools, and educational organizations, all geared to the learning level and interest of kids.  Our Mission: To provide a safe place online where kids can create, play, and learn."
The highest rewards in this life are born of service to others -- the greatest happiness arises from seeing to the happiness of others  --(long-established truths).

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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