Tuesday, January 22, 2013

THE INAUGURAL POEM -- 1/21/13 -- Richard Blanco

Posted:  22 Jan 13

1.  Some liked it.  Some didn't.  Some admired it (like me).  Some thought it could have been better done.  How could we expect otherwise when there are so many free-thinkers listening (or almost listening)?

2.  There were so many mental "receiver sets," tuned to their own unique frequencies, with lots of background interference -- such that none received the exact same message.

3.  One hearing was not enough to judge (especially with all that was going on) -- and thankfully, now-a-days, it's so easy to revisit things before we forget the question.  There was a time when I would never have been able to squeeze-in a closer look -- hearing the poem just that one time, and never again.

4.  My first take on it was "fitting,"  "nicely constructed," "what an interesting way to put it."

5.  My second take is that this was presented to us for good reason -- and I had a chance to see why, for myself.

6.  Here's the whole poem, courtesy of ABC News on-line.

7.  Here are some favorable and unfavorable reactions, which Google says are out there.

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