Tuesday, January 22, 2013

City Council honors WOMEN'S COMMUNITY LEAGUE - 1/22/13

Posted:  Tuesday, 22 Jan 13

1.  At tonight's City Council meeting, in the regular 7:00 pm session, City Hall, "The Pittsburg Women's Community League -- 50th Anniversary,"  will be honored by official proclamation. The beautiful presentation document, signed by Mayor Nancy Parent and City Clerk Alice Evenson, may be viewed by following this link which presents a list of published meetings (Click to "view" the Jan 22 agenda packet, and open the proclamation near the top of the list of supporting materials).

"The Pittsburg Women's Community League" is on Facebook
and on Google and on ZoomInfo

2.  As so aptly expressed in that proclamation, "the Pittsburg Women's Community League has worked consistently in so many areas to support our schools, senior citizens, homeless shelters, crisis center, local parks, hospitals, police and fire departments, as well as a wide range of special projects for the benefit of the entire community..."


3.  Just look at all the CRUCIAL things they attend to!  Schools, seniors, homeless, crises, parks, hospitals, first-responders --- and even more!

4.  These are people worth knowing, cheering and standing behind -- what great magnifiers they are of our power to do good!  AND HAVE BEEN, FOR OVER FIVE DECADES (two or so generations)!!

  • They take a lot of the load off our backs, knowing as we do, that we would do these very things ourselves, had circumstances only allowed this.  
  • But, since duty calls many of us off in other, nearly as important directions...
  • The "Women's League's" willingness to do this in our places...
  • has given us yet another inspiring example of what it means to be a good citizen, to the max...
  • and the satisfaction of knowing that good people are at work on the common good, everywhere!  

5.  I think it's safe to believe that:
  • None of us is truly alone in our cravings for a better world -- an ever-improving quality of human existence and the circumstances that surround it.
  • No matter what it is -- if it has to do with making life's circumstances more favorable -- then someone, somewhere is trying.  That's just the way we humans are.  That's the way the Women's League must be.  They've "found a need," and are filling it.

Lucky, lucky us.

6.  I think these public proclamations are very important:
  • Because such acts give proper and well-deserved recognition to fellow humans, who have done some very good thing or another
  • Because we are immensely better off because they exist and function the way they do
  • Because giving thanks for good services-rendered is always sensible and right to do
  • Because "not-giving-thanks" does absolutely nothing to encourage continuation of a thing that should be continued
  • Because, when certain things are extremely useful to make known to some, then it often makes sense to insure that they become widely known to many
  • And, because we may detect opportunities where we can assist, to good effect

Thanks to the women of the community 
who have organized themselves for very high purposes 
and for the awesome determination to do it 
for as long and as well as 
the government formally proclaims it's been done

If fellow residents can, come to the City Council meeting, tonight, to show your appreciation.  
If you can't make it, I'll clap extra loud and hard for you.

David Nelson

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