Thursday, January 3, 2013

Message From CONGRESSMAN MILLER: Sworn-in Today 1/3/13

Posted:  3 Jan 13

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Rep. George Miller <> wrote:

Today as I was sworn in as a member of the 113th Congress, I reflected on how honored I am by the confidence shown in me by the residents of Contra Costa County. I consider it my highest responsibility to do everything I can to meet their expectations. 

As a part of that responsibility, I pledge to continue standing up for middle class and working families. A strong middle class makes a strong America, and as such we must ensure that hardworking families still have the American dream within their reach. To that end I will remain strongly committed to finding a balanced approach to deficit reduction, strengthening Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, making college more affordable, improving the quality of public school education, and pushing toward a renewable energy future.

Another, equally important responsibility is to protect and enhance one of the most fundamental rights in our democracy – the right to vote.

Americans shouldn’t have to wait for hours and hours to cast a ballot – and the fact that they had to do so in the 2012 election is absolutely unacceptable. Today I introduced the SIMPLE Voting Act, which would require at least 15 days of early voting in each state for federal elections prior to Election Day and would ensure states provide all voting precincts adequate resources to guarantee that no voter must wait in line for more than one hour to vote. While this bill does not fix all our electoral problems, it does ensure voters do not have to choose between meeting their daily responsibilities to their families or employers and casting a ballot. 

I look forward to staying touch with you during this new Congress.  Let me know what issues are important to you as the 113th Congress gets underway by contacting me at or on twitter at @askgeorge.  Thank you for your interest in the issues facing Congress and our community.


Member of Congress

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