Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Posted:  9 Jan 13, 0400

This pertains to the very lengthy public meeting of the Pittsburg Planning Commission, conducted at City Hall last night, as announced on this blog article, "CITY HEARING on New Downtown TAVERN & More (1/8/13/Tue)."  In that article, you will note that three projects were considered. 
  • The Post (downtown tavern), AP-12-885 (UP)
  • El's Smog & Auto Repair, AP-12-881 (UP) 
  • Wilson's Dance Studio, AP-12-886 (UP)
I regret that I have no time to give an in-depth synopsis, for I had to leave the lengthy meeting before hearing the outcome on the third of three projects considered.  Extensive notes were taken, but there is no time to convert them and do the matter justice, with me being faced with jury duty, this morning.

Here is a very fast, very brief review:
  • The tavern's request was denied on a vote of 5 to 2.
  • The dance studio's request was approved, unanimously.
  • I missed the auto repair hearing
The most controversial and difficult matter was the tavern -- numerous speakers made strong cases, pro and con.  The Commissioners asked penetrating questions and considered carefully.  
  • They had considerable feedback to take into account, from concerned citizens, via email and public testimony -- in balance with the very strong and practical desire to promote a strong business community and to use a beautiful building which has sat idle for so long.   
  • They also heard strong reactions from the organized 114-home housing colony, "The Village at New York Landing (the VNYL)."  The VNYL's western boundary is less than a block from the proposed tavern -- and is already bordered by two taverns, EJ Faire and La Pineda, along Cumberland Street -- and is not amused by the prospect of a third.
  • The Commissioners carefully weighed the matter, before our very eyes, and I can find no fault with their reasoning -- which I personally consider to have been very fair and responsible.
This is as far as I dare go into a synopsis, until I have time to develop a carefully balanced report and gather supplementary information, as soon as possible.  Except to say that democracy is a wonderful thing to behold in action, and a duty that feels more like a privilege.


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