Tuesday, January 15, 2013


... because a personal or area disaster 
can ruin your whole day... at the very least!

and then some tools for doing a good job!

1.  Purposes

To place important life-saving and property-saving information at your ready disposal, without delaying to prepare a comprehensive "how-to" guide, when so many already exist -- and which merely need to be made known to you.  

Also, the presence of this "information accumulator" in a daily blog, might be a helpful reminder, over the normal course of day-to-day life (gently nagging you, I suppose) -- until it's firmly positioned on your priority list -- then, a "done deal" -- and, one of life's big victories over the very unfavorable, too real, possibilities!

First, this article tries to "make a reasonable case to you," for not putting off dealing with this very "high-stakes" matter, too long -- leading to great and highly avoidable misfortune and sadness.  Then, the practical link-list follows.

2.  Background

2.1  We all know that there are things we should be doing, in anticipation of some sudden, dreadful event which can ruin our days, and much more, besides.  We've all heard the warnings to stock up on food, water, skills, keep the gas tanks full, and do all sorts of other needful things -- IN ADVANCE (remember the natural wisdom embodied in squirrels and ants, ahead of winter).

2.2  We've seen, often in lurid detail, many of the major things that can go wrong in this world -- epochal Hurricanes (e.g. Katrina) and other spectacular atmospheric disturbances, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Fire Storms, Terrorist Insanities, Civil Unrest, Power Failures, Pollution Disasters, Levy Breaches, Dam Breaks, Floods, Landslides, and so on -- always with extremely bad timing and nasty human impacts -- monumental things that can grind human life and its "toys" out of existence -- or  deny them to us, for a time, with great unpleasantness.

And, who's to say that something completely novel in all human experience could not show up on the list?  One thing is reasonably certain, life (if it continues) will never be quite the same, from the instant the hammer falls, onward.

2.3  Area disasters will probably mean delays in professional emergency responses -- but, thanks to citizen volunteers (not nearly enough, yet), the response might be quicker than otherwise (fingers and toes crossed) -- but still might not be soon enough to suit many.

Prepare for "stone age" conditions for days, if not more (all by your lonesome) -- with limited links to the outside world, for assistance and comfort.  In times like this, if not before, you're going to be mighty glad you took the time to meet and develop that special class of friendship -- which belongs to neighbors, alone.

2.4  And, thankfully, almost all of us are rational beings, meaning WE ALWAYS strive to be reasonable, doing the very best we can, as circumstances permit -- including, striving to KNOW what is best to do, in time for it to matter -- especially when reminded enough (since modern life is an extremely busy undertaking, forcing hard choices AND FORGETFULNESS on us, at times).

2.5  So, EXACTLY WHAT rational things should we be doing ahead of time?  How can we afford to do those things well, without busting a limited budget?  How can we even store all the things we know we'll need?  Lots of questions.  But, wait!  There are also lots of answers -- the accumulated wisdom of hard experience and expert advice -- and  yes, because of the human instinct or wise and deliberate determination, in many (me, included), to LOVE fellow humans, merely because they ARE and because life is far better, far richer, FAR SURER, this way.

2.6  That's the place to start.  Get the knowledge -- SO AS TO NEVER FORGET IT, AGAIN -- and USE it and SHARE it -- for this will give you ENORMOUS ADVANTAGES (and we're going to need every advantage we can get, to stay on our feet, where we belong). 

2.7  You might be pleasantly surprised -- you may be closer than you think -- but, then,  you might be farther.  And, whatever's left to do, might (if the clock permits) be done, a little at a time -- which is far better than doing nothing at all -- and being taken completely by surprise and being caught flat-footed -- though, such a compromise is very risky, as should be clear to all.

3.  And that is the function of this page.  

3.1  To give you convenient access to the knowledge, by accumulating good site-links which you can more easily explore (and re-explore and re-re-explore) -- with pencil in hand -- to reap the knowledge -- until it's clear and fixed inside your brain -- and on the way to becoming a peace-of-mind, wide-open-eyed reality.

3.2  I'll keep adding to the list, as circumstances permit, but I think you'll like these, to start -- and if you'd like to recommend some, please feel free to comment, below.

3.3  Begin, at once, to follow the advice.  A little at a time, if need be, but continuously.  Fate just might wait, if you don't tempt it too much -- though sooner is much better than later (or too late), don't you agree?

Make a good plan and firmly resolve to practice and refine it, regularly -- you may be breaking habits (or non-habits), years in the making -- and surely, will be creating new ones -- and this requires persistent repetition.

Help is soon coming -- to assist ANY AND ALL neighborhoods and individuals and families -- WITH GREAT SPECIFICITY and SUFFICIENCY -- "to get off the dime" (and stay off of it, permanently), if they need such help.  Stand by -- it's almost in my grasp, now, and, as soon as possible, within yours -- but please, don't wait for me in something so grave and urgent.

4.  To begin -- a burst of energy and a hunger for knowledge!  

4.1  Take the time to really VISUALIZE what disasters are like, in detail.  Understand what people go through and what they have to do to recover; the mistakes they make and the brilliance (and courage) they show us, when the chips are down.  The goal is to STRONGLY convince ourselves to act -- and give more hope, certainty, and resolve -- to replace fairy tales, magic wands, wishful thinking, or careless non-thought.

4.2  Right off the top, we know that we will ALWAYS need on hand the essentials we might not be able to buy, the instant we most need them -- such as enough (and what is enough?) water and food (in that order); (don't forget the pets); gasoline (don't leave gas tanks less than half full -- ever -- if humanly possible); first aid supplies; medicines; batteries; fire lighters and fire extinguishers; READY CASH (ATM's could fail); and more.

We need to think about communicating and exactly how to get the family back together, if disaster strikes when they are scattered around the territory.  Just imagine how much worse a disaster can be, not knowing about the well-being of loved ones, out of view.  Oh, there's a lot to this -- but the stakes couldn't be higher

Whatever you do, don't be intimidated by the size of this task.  Break it all down into chunks of do-able things -- then do them -- a chunk at a time -- once done, all you'll have to do is maintain them -- and that's a "piece of cake."  This will be one of the BEST INVESTMENTS in your ENTIRE, prolonged life.

4.3  Admittedly, the list is detailed (as it should be) -- for there will be little consolation if we leave something out and end up slapping our foreheads in chagrin -- and trying to survive on shoe leather, grass, and toilet water -- and, among some who may not be on their best behavior.  We might even lose access to our very homes.  How would we shelter under such circumstances?  There are answers.

4.4  One thing that keeps coming up in the literature -- you would do well to involve the whole family or partnership team in this.  To teach them what to do (and how) and to get their ideas and enthusiastic participation.  It'll make this job more pleasant (and easier) if they are involved and it will turn them into more effective allies -- and, you're going to need all the knowledgeable help you can get.

You might watch the YouTube videos (below), together among families and partners (some videos have "sound gaps," or other little flaws, but the main ideas are still there and useful and easier to visualize and grasp, than reading, alone -- and helps things sink in -- less likely to be overlooked or misunderstood or underestimated).

4.5  Consider, too, that your planning and good luck will likely serve you well, but your poor NEIGHBORS (near and distant) may not be so fortunate or forward-looking.  Good neighborhood planning will save even more lives and property (yours and theirs) -- so, get to know each other -- start talking.

A NEIGHBORHOOD THAT TALKS AND GROWS TOGETHER, can THINK and DO reasonable things together.  Future articles (and systems) will address all these matters, but meanwhile, please make those introductions, start talking, planning, gearing-up, and practicing.  Help is on the way, but this part, we must each do, ourselves.

4.6  COMMUNITY RESPONSE -- Nothing, short of the real thing, beats forethought, personal study, formalized training, and rehearsals.  The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is how communities, all over the nation, are preparing themselves, in depth.  (But, family emergency planning is still your ball game). 

Volunteers undergo 5 training sessions that turn them into disaster workers who aid "first responders," enormously.

Over a year, area disaster exercises are held, to hone skills and work out "bugs."  Citizens are needed to volunteer to act as "victims," helping the training of CERT members and SEEING, for themselves, what to expect and do.  

With such practice, knowledge can spread, even more, to help perfect family and neighborhood plans, too.  And, all knowledge is key.  So, watch for these exercises and join in on the practice, (as victims, saviors, or both) so that we can all win, as much as possible

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).

Right now, here in lovely Pittsburg, there are about 270 volunteers covering a City of around 65,000 (one volunteer per 240 persons makes for a very busy volunteer -- so it's quite clear where our duty lies -- therefore, sign up, with a will).

4.7  AND PLEASE PASS THE WORD ABOUT THIS ARTICLE -- far and wide -- to friends, neighbors, co-workers, everyone you can think of.  
The URL (web address) for this blog is, admittedly, awkward.  This entire blog started out as something different, my own neighborhood's external monitor, where the choice of URL made sense.

  Now, since this is an active and fast-evolving blog, seeking to serve ever-more fellow humans, it's incredibly complicated to keep revising the name (as well as the URL) to better suit its ever-expanding functions.   

In time, access will be by easy "push-button," once it has been integrated into the larger systems, under construction.  

So, for now, once you find us, please "bookmark" us, so you can find us again.  

Sorry for this temporary inconvenience.

4.8  Now, let's take a look at some of the concepts and details.  Good luck to us all.



Disasters (Google search)
Disasters (Google search for Wikipedia discussions)
Visualizing Disasters (Google search)

Family Survival Planning
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Make a Plan (FEMA's Ready.gov)
Family Emergency Planning Software (Google search)
Family Emergency Supplies (Google search)

First Aid Links are on the "Quick Access" page of this blog

Barnes and Noble AND Amazon.com offer hard copy and electronic reader (Kindle and Nook) versions of Family Emergency Manuals for sale ($10 to $30 range).  Don't forget other book sellers and the priceless public libraries... and on-line publications (free and paid).

Much more to follow... this is a work in progress
... new material will be added, from time to time
till no more needs saying.  The concepts in this article (and far more and in greater detail) will be rolled into actual, more concise, convenient, and comprehensive work-systems for you to adopt (or reject or help refine), ASAP...
so check back often.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprise / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as its free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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