Saturday, January 5, 2013

HEALTH: Daily Information Accumulator (#1) thru 8/6/12

Update:  5 Jan 13 -- The new "HEALTH: Daily Information Accumulator (#2)  is now online and picks up from today's date.  Older entries will be added to #2 as time permits, working backwards, till it links up to where this article left off.  Also, new links will be added to that new accumulator to try to keep it current for you.  Thanks for your patience.

Dear Readers,

I know this to be a very popular page.  I apologize for continually pulling it off-line and out of your view.  Frankly, I have come up against some severe technical limitations, in the nature of this blogging platform, to produce articles of this type.  Clearly, this type of article requires a database management program. (The annoying tendencies of the blogging program to inject random line-spacing, or mess with text-size and fonts, are just a few maddening cases-in-point -- I must be doing something wrong -- Google's too good to be at fault)

Because I have been embarrassed by the awkward, unprofessional look (and the risk of confusing you), I have repeatedly withdrawn it -- to fix it -- at enormous and frustrating time costs.  I have a plan to make it more presentable, but it is just going to have to await its turn.  There are other crucial things that simply must be done first, for the greater public good.

However, the information is still good -- and I cannot, in good conscience, continue withholding it from you -- simply because it looks so bad.  I will make everything right, as soon as I can build a better system for presenting this material to you -- and for keeping it closely updated.

This entire blog is all a work in progress -- it is still new (less than a year old) and is constantly redefining itself .  Consider everything to be in a "rough draft" stage.  Smooth drafting is coming -- all will be made right, whenever waiting has been filled.

Meanwhile, thank you for your patience and understanding.



1.  To provide, all in one convenient place, a simple running link-list for WebMD newsletters received from sources, such as WebMD email subscription (featured in the accumulation, below).  PLEASE SEE DISCLAIMERS AT BOTTOM.


2.  The idea is, simply, to help ease human suffering by spreading useful general health information.

3.  The WebMD articles (with links), BELOW, are listed in reverse date-order, with the most recent being placed at the top of the list -- "pushing down" earlier ones. 

4.  The MASTER date of "this entire accumulator-page" will be manipulated, in order to keep this reference-page conveniently "near the top" of the blog's bulletin-board-metaphor (primitive, but effective).


To make this page more convenient to use,  EACH NEW ENTRY will first sit in the "What's New" section for about a time, so that regular readers can see, without having to search the entire accumulated mass.  Entries, more than about a week old (if possible), are moved into the alphabetical categories (encyclopedia-style), further below, but are still date-ordered within those categories.

Please see disclaimers at the bottom of this article.  



What's New
Articles newer than June 25 are grouped by week.  Older articles are grouped under alphabetical categories.  The backlog of newer articles will be added below, ASAP.  This is growing so unwieldy -- and formatting is a nightmare.  Still need to migrate all this to a database program.

Summer Foods That Will Blow Your Diet, 8/6/12
Secrets to a Perfect Pedicure, 8/6/12

Week of July 30 to August 5

What’s Really Going on in Your Head?, 8/5/12

Therapy: It's Not What You See on TV, 8/4/12

Most Common STD..., 8/3/12

Gabby Douglas Takes Gold, 8/3/12

Ryan Lochte's Intense Training Routine , 8/2/12

The Best Way to Prevent Wrinkles Is …, 7/23/12

Erase the Signs of Aging: No Knife Required, 7/23/12

Week of July 16 to July 22

25 Tricks for Surviving Bikini Season, 7/22/12

What Type 2 Diabetes Does to Your Body, 7/21/12 

10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism, 7/20/12

14 Drug-Free Treatments for Migraines, 7/20/12 

Your Hair Speaks Volumes About Your Health, 7/19/12

Get Your Best Night's Sleep Ever, 7/18/12

Why Men (and Women) Cheat, 7/18/12

What You Don't Know About the Olympics, 7/18/12

Good Moves for Sore Knees, 7/17/12

What Really Works for Wrinkles, 7/17/12

What You Don't Know About Fast Food, 7/16/12

Favorite Foods That Wreck Your Waistline, 7/16/12

Week of July 9 to July 15

Shocking Fast Food Facts, 7/15/12

How to Fix Your Dog's Bad Behavior, 7/14

Truth About Cervical Cancer, 7/13/12 

Why Does Friday the 13th Scare Us?, 7/12/12 

Do You Know the Signs of Stroke?, 7/12/12

Weight Loss Dos and Don'ts, 7/11/12

Hair Coloring Must-Dos, 7/11/12

New! Download Free Subscription to WebMD the Magazine July/Aug Issue on your iPad!, 7/11/12

Weight Loss Dos and Don'ts, (again) 7/10/12

The Truth About Dandruff, 7/10/12

Sugar Addiction: Is It Fact or Fiction?, 7/9/12

Week of July 2 to July 8

Symptoms of Heart Attack, 7/8/12 

Fat Fighting Foods You Should Be Eating, 7/8/12

Why Are We So Forgetful?, 7/5/12 (mind)

16 Tips for Being Organized, 7/4/12 (Emotional Wellness)

Our Favorite Fattening Summer Foods, 7/4/12 

Fat-Belly Foods Men Can't Resist, 7/4/12

12 Hangover Myths, 7/2/12 (Alcohol)

Odd Body Behaviors Explained, 7/2/12

Week of June 24 to July 1

Feeling the Physical Pain of Depression7/1/12

Why Do Men Do the Things They Do?, 6/29/12 

Why Is 'Bad' Fat So Bad?, 6/28/12

Is Salt Really the Enemy?, 6/27/12

Is Your Thyroid Slowing You Down?, 6/26/12

The 30-Minute Workout, 6/25/12

Links by Category


Deadly Diseases.  Are You Protected?, 6/4/12


Flat Abs -- Making Them Happen, 5/16/12


Breakfast Bombs at the Drive-Through, 6/15/12 

22 Best Diet Tips, Ever, 6/12/12

Which Organic Foods Should You Buy?, 6/7/12

Is Ice Cream the Enemy? 5/30/12

Problem Foods to Watch Out For As You Age, 5/28/12

Grill Skills -- Are You Grilling Your Foods Right?, 5/25/12

Summer's Most Fattening Foods, 5/23/12

Super Foods for Strong Bones, 5/19/12


Best Foods for Men's Health, 5/27/12




Unexpected Problems in Your Mouth, 6/14/12



Pictures of Poisonous Plants, 6/22/12

Indulgences, 5/11/12


6.  In no way does this blog feature presume to dispense medical advice (a uniquely personalized need).  Rather, it is to give you a general "heads up," so you can become aware of interesting issues and can then take a closer look, as desired.

7.  THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE.  It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the WebMD Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Tag: "WebMD, Health"

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