Sunday, August 25, 2013


Posted:  28 Aug 13

1.  Purpose

To raise public awareness of a powerful online tool available from the California Natural Resources Agency, "The California Evironmental Resources Evaluation System -- CERES."

By placing this information here on this blog, it should be another convenient way to explore and exploit the advantages -- always here  (so as to remind you of its existence) for your revisits, at your leisure.

An eventual goal of the emergent "Civic Mentor," of which this blog is but one planned product, is to place many practical tools, within the social inventory, into convenient reach of our awareness and fingertips.

2.  About CERES

The California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES) is a program of the California Resources Agency established to facilitate access to a variety of electronic data describing California’s rich and diverse environments.

The goal of CERES is to improve environmental analysis and planning by integrating natural and cultural resource information from multiple contributors and by making it available and useful to a wide variety of users.

CERES collects and integrates data and information and distributes it via the World Wide Web, tapping into important information sources and contributing to advances in the science of data management and metadata cataloging by encouraging cooperation among governmental, educational, and private groups. (More ...)

3.  By Exploring the Site, You Will Find:
  • CERES LIBRARY -- which is an online catalog and repository for digital information resources for California’s natural environment
  • MY PLAN -- which is a map service designed to be a simple interface to California natural hazard data products produced by the California Natural Resources Agency departments and other government agencies. 
  • ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION -- for this is a great resource for Californians who are interested in the environment. [For all audiences, educators, students, kids]
  • CAL-ATLAS GEOSPATIAL DATA LIBRARY -- which facilitates the coordinated and sustainable development, maintenance, licensing and sharing of geospatial data resources.
  • MAP LAYER SERVICES -- of The California Environmental Digital Atlas, which offers an array of environmental data to aid in regional conservation planning and analysis.
  • LUPIN -- CERES’ Land Use Planning Information Network (LUPIN) which provides an aggregate view of California’s land use and environmental planning information including county general plans and more.
  • CEQA WEB -- The California Environmental Quality Act Statutes & Guidelines searchable interface.
  • MYHAZARDS -- Discover the hazards that exist in your area and learn how to reduce YOUR risk! Remember, the best way to recover from disasters is by reducing the risks before a disaster strikes.
  • CERES MAPPER -- An easy to use online mapping tool. [It's  unclear how this one works, couldn't find any instructions, looked around, over my head]

Another reason for calling this "The Great State of California"

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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