Monday, October 20, 2014


Posted: 20 Oct 14


To call your attention to an interesting and timely link received, this morning, from, entitled: "A Visual Guide to Ebola."


As you can see, this article can give us a conceptual framework for keeping our understanding organized and effective -- and to help us sort out the mass of information which is accumulating on this alarming topic.  It gives us an opportunity to help build-up our control over the controllable -- and to try to avoid the avoidable.

Specifically, the slideshow touches on:
  • What is Ebola?
  • How do you get it?
  • How you won't get Ebola
  • What are the symptoms?
  • Where is Ebola?
  • Is there a vaccine for Ebola?
  • Treatment
  • After Ebola
  • How can I prevent it?
  • Controlling an Outbreak
  • Related reading

I hope you will find this helpful.  There are so many human issues to get a handle on -- so I have to touch lightly on each topic -- until enough topics have been focused -- and sufficient internal and external resources are assembled to accelerate and deepen our explorations of total human existence such that the WHOLE HUMAN POPULATION combines to settle everything that needs to be settled.  Human well-being and betterment are global and local common imperatives.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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