Friday, October 24, 2014

Odds and Ends passing through My Facebook (#2)

Posted: 22 Oct 14
Update #2:  24 Oct 14

This is to share some things I thought you might enjoy -- and to conduct an experiment.  There are six items, below, so far.  I expect to keep adding here, until I discover how many additions one blog-post can handle before it become too unwieldy to add any more.

This also keeps the accumulation of "odds and ends" handy, while I sort out better ways to deliver this information to you.  Like most things, what I learn here will transfer to other parts of the Civic Mentor project to help advance the whole thing.  I am seeking methods, in light of fast-changing technology and human conditions.  (I couldn't justify diverting so much energy to this aspect of life, at this particular moment, otherwise)

A special source for lots and lots of good stuff (too much to port over to here, piece-meal) -- "The Mentors Channel" Facebook Community

David Nelson


Now, here's a statement which rings with truth and offers us, I believe, a seed worth planting and nurturing -- deep down in the foundations of our views on the meaning and opportunity-costs of the death-event -- where it can influence how we approach and handle the second most profound aspect of our existence.  I love this post and thank you for it, Val!


When you're building something new, there are often on-the-job accidents and injuries. As long as the ultimate structure is satisfactory, the mishaps can count as a vindicated part of the training and construction costs.


1.  A familiar case

2.  Innovation -- a video

3.  "I left my heart in San Francisco" -- Tony Bennett -- a video

4.  For the cat-lovers

5.  Our Mind-blowing Planet & A New Word

Science Graphic of the Week: When a Volcano Erupts Under a Glacier You Get a Jökulhlaup | WIRED

6.  Goat-Play

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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