Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Posted: 22 Oct 14

  -- much is being done; much remains to be done. Upon completion of the work, human salvation and recycling will become an efficient, automatic, wide-spread routine, further maturing a wholesome nation and elevating freedom to another, higher level. A better nation means a better world -- D. Nelson

Yet, this magnificent nation, comprised of magnificent humans, is not blind to this -- or the countless other issues that demand our attention.  The disgrace would be in failure to try -- and we are trying.  The VA has expressed its goal to completely eliminate vet homelessness by 2015. (They're gonna need a lot of help.)

I proudly testify that I have seen, with my own eyes, countless examples of our deep national and local compassion and empathy -- and intelligent responses.  I've included a link to one such VA program, national "Stand-Downs," which I have volunteered to help, for the last three of many times these extraordinary 3 and 4-day events were conducted in this part of the SF Bay Area.

I intend to continue participating till they no longer want me or I am no longer able.  Wouldn't miss it for the world.  Everyone comes away a winner -- stronger than before -- including the many, many volunteers.  It's a loving wild-fire!
By the way, I published this "after-action report" describing my experiences at one stand-down.  I believe it will give you more insight into this extraordinary, awe-inspiring undertaking -- so you can better appreciate its significance and superbness of execution.
I tell you, it's wonderful to see the immediate impact on the smiling faces of hundreds upon hundreds of vets (and little families) who were sad and hopeless (and in serious trouble), only days before.  And that is just one, local, serial-part of a highly successful national phenomenon.  I remember a long-ago Saturday cartoon where a "down-in-the-mouth" character was taken under the wing of numerous little helpers -- washing this, shining that, fixing teeth, haircuts, back-pats, a new suit of clothes, happy tunes in the background.  Well, stand-downs are something like that -- only they attend to a virtual totality -- mind and body -- to help the "valued clients" make good changes that will last.  Oh, there's so much to tell.  You'd be stunned at the magnitude of forethought, effort, and success-rate.

Many "saved" vets return as stand-down volunteers eager to give back -- and so the chain-reaction continues, as it's supposed to.

The evidence abounds that we are a great people, haven't forgotten those who have fallen behind, and ARE DOING BETTER AND BETTER at this, as awareness spreads and experience, ideas, methods, and resources build-up -- with the aid of such things as this beautiful Internet Revolution.

So, yes -- many more unfortunates remain to be reached -- and the above image is important to help keep our fires burning hot -- but, I can safely say that we are working on it -- and getting the job done.  Still there's room for more to jump on board -- before all is said and done -- and every good reason to.

Win-win is an excellent way to play this particular game!

David Nelson
(Thanks to my sister-in-law, Valorie W., for the original image on Facebook)

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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