Friday, October 24, 2014

THE CULTURAL ARTS == "RIVERDANCE" == A Celtic Experience Revisited

Posted: 24 Oct 14


To help us remember the "unforgettable" Riverdance Phenomenon -- and to increase our likelihood of re-experiencing it, whenever we please.

My Reasoning

One nice thing about doing a project -- such as this Civic Mentor thing, which sees the whole tapestry of human existence as it's "playing field" -- is that everything seriously ventured has relevance to the whole -- every topic is fair game.

The logical connections may not all be obvious, until I make clear the linkages that show how and where I see useful connections.  But that's just part of the price of seeking novel ways to celebrate our humanness -- with much unfinished business remaining.

But any such celebration must account for the arts and their range of impact on our cultures and individual selves.  I believe the extraordinarily successful "Riverdance" phenomenon has had a lasting, favorable effect on how Celtic culture is perceived by the non-Celtic world, as well as by itself.  Riverdance has the power to thrill and enlighten generations, provided that it is made known to them.

I believe that most will agree that to experience Riverdance performances (the gorgeous music and brilliant dance routines) is to experience something extraordinary.  They electrified the whole world, more or less.  But time marches on.  The unforgettable is pushed out of conscious awareness -- submerged by the endless parade of other life-experiences. And, yet, it would be a shame and waste to let it get away, completely -- when it still can uplift our spirits, far into the distant future.

To help increase the staying-power of the "unforgettable,"  I have the luxury of being able to post bulletins which place these glorious experiences closer to the surface, in ready reach, whenever the mood and opportunity coincide in you.

David Nelson

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