Friday, October 24, 2014

2014 ELECTION ALERT (CA) -- Request Your Vote-by-Mail ballot by 10/28/TUE

Posted:  24 Oct 14

Vote-by-Mail Ballots - How to Do It Right

Source:  The League of Women Voters of California Education Fund

Did you know the deadline to requestvote-by-mail ballot is next week on October 28

If you've already received your vote-by-mail ballot, make sure to fill it out, sign it, and mail it back in time for it to arrive by Election Day on November 4

You can also drop off your ballot at any polling place in your county on Election Day.

For more information about voting by mail and to download a toolkit to help assist

voters with casting a timely and valid vote-by-mail ballot, visit the LWVC Education Fund website.


  1. Fill it out
  2. Sign the Envelope
  3. Mail it back in time for it to ARRIVE by election day

You can drop off your ballot at any polling place in your county on election day.

Find your polling place at [be sure to check, these things can and do change, from election to election.]

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