Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Posted: 29 Oct 14
Withdrawn: 29 Oct 14


I am taking the unusual step of withdrawing a published bulletin, because of my own error in posting it in the first place.

It was originally published, this date, under title: "A FAIR OFFER TO ALL CANDIDATES FOR PITTSBURG CITY COUNCIL 2014" 

  • On further reflection, I now realize that this bulletin is not such a good idea, after all.  Considering the closeness of election-day, candidates are surely extremely busy and hard-pressed with last-minute details.   Resources for a local campaign are obviously tight.  To add this extra task, on such short notice, is sure to disrupt their delicate balancing-act.  They don't need extra surprises -- they have plenty, already.
  • It could mean that they would have to drop what they were doing -- and take on this sudden, added work. Besides, an adequate letter to the people can take a lot of effort and care to compose, so that one doesn't "shoot his or her own foot" by misstating their true positions or just as badly, confusing the public, through hasty errors that can slip through (with very little time for cleaning up new problems this would introduce).  
  • And, if they didn't respond, then the information you would possess, from here,would become slanted in the favor of those who did -- and the conspicuous absence of others might give the mistaken impression of indifference.

So,  I think it was quite probably a mistake to post this invitation to publish a campaign letter, at this late hour. 
 And, with insufficient time and warning, this would be unfair, rather than fair, to leave in place.
Accordingly, I am hereby withdrawing my offer to publish candidates' letters -- with sincerest apologies to all who may be affected by this error.  
I still have much to learn -- and this was a big lesson.  I can't wait to reach the level where I can hire a staff to help me see these things before I move on them.  Next time, I'll try to give people more "breathing room," before venturing such, again.

David Nelson


1.  Purpose
1.1  In the public interest -- especially with the such a profound issue as "Wespac" facing the next Pittsburg City Council (please see this recent separate bulletin for more on this issue)  -- I believe it is vital to our best ballot-box decision-making to hear from the candidates at least one more time.
1.2  Accordingly, this bulletin offers to all contenders the fairest possible opportunity I can provide -- to publish a letter to our fellow Pittsburg neighbors -- here on this bulletin board.
1.3  I hope all contenders will take advantage of this, so voters can even better balance their understandings to reach the best conclusions.  Typically, city-level elections, constrained by a smaller population-size -- means that far fewer resources are available to finance an effective campaign, than are available to those pursuing higher office.  Thus, free publicity is a way to try to neutralize this local constraint on our freedoms, as far as possible.
1.4.  Ad Hoc Private Civic Groups -- are welcomed and encouraged to post constructive responses and web-links, in the comment sections, below the communiques being invited by this bulletin.  I will also entertain requests to publish stand-alone letters to this blog, though this may open unforeseen consequences -- so I reserve my right to decide and preserve balance -- but am determined to do so, fairly.
2.  Discussion
2.1  With the election only days away, I regret not doing this sooner -- but, circumstance had not yet shown this to be warranted until quite recently (and I do have a sharply-constrained time-budget and resources to manage -- I am my only staff). There is a risk that the word will not reach all the candidates in time (you, dear reader, can be a big help in this) -- but, then again, it might.  And, I do so NEED to be fair and in my "official capacity" -- to diligently try to maintain reasonable impartiality in civic system-building -- while giving others a fair hearing on this platform.
2.2  Besides, we will still be neighbors, long after this issue has been worked out and settled -- and we need to be extra careful to guard against any lasting bitterness which can turn "the clock of progress" backwards -- to our utter and unnecessary disadvantage and ruin as a community.  Rumors always rush in to fill political vacuums.  But good information squeezes those out, once made known.  And, in that spirit, this offer is made.
3.  Actions Requested
3.1  So, candidates, please feel free to write -- confident that your message will be published, unchanged -- though I reserve the civic right to proffer my private opinions below it, in response -- a right to which my readers are also entitled -- and you deserve the right to respond to the responses -- until the standards of fairness are satisfied, as far as humanly possible.  (In other words, a discussion is welcome)
3.2  I also must reserve the right to make minor cosmetic edits to your letter, as necessary to integrate it into this blog, consistent with its design and style -- and to correct unambiguous typo-errors.  But the substance and structure will not be touched, otherwise.
3.3  Readers, in general:  
  • Please do what you can to help insure that this offer reaches the ears of the candidates in good time.  I simply cannot do this alone, nor should I.
  • Please fell free to comment on any responses received.  You can do this below all bulletins on this blog (not just on this one), as well as on any candidate responses received.

Bad information is useless and filled with hazards for the unwary
and injustices for its victims

Most respectfully,
David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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