Wednesday, October 8, 2014

FROM THE EMAIL BAG -- A little irony

Posted: 23 Oct 14

Amazing how August, September, and now October, are moving as if on wings -- alas, so much to do with the moving target called time.

To get back into the swing of things (as far as updating this blog is concerned), I thought I would re-start easy and share an amusing email I received this morning from my friend, Rye.  Hope you will enjoy it, too.

This also led me to discover the source's interesting Facebook page: Friends of Irony. (If you click "like" on their Facebook page, you will receive their new entries, yourselves, in your news feed (unless you change your settings to not allow this).  I just did.

And here is a helpful Wikipedia discussion of the term, "Irony." (Purists may deny that all the following are ironic, but they are amusing to discover during our travels)

David Nelson

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