Thursday, October 23, 2014

Meditating on Human Progress: THE CREATIVITY EXPLOSION

Posted:  23 Oct 14

Seems to me that...

Thanks to "The Great Internet Revolution" -- we are now enjoying, AMONG MANY OTHER THINGS -- the unprecedented experience of seeing what happens when the chains on "ordinary" human creativity start to really break-down.  

It's a lot like an enormous relief-valve opening.  And, since creativity begets more creativity, it also promises to be, in a sense, like the mightiest of world-wide dam-bursts -- and the most benevolent of floods.

1.  Facebook, for one, joyfully demonstrates this, every second of the day -- and helps our search for even more utility and kindred spirits.  And oh, how YouTube and the like further sweeten the celebration

2.  Humankind is blooming -- and I feel so gratified and privileged to see it happening -- and to be able to add to it, as I please.  

3.  With sheer numbers of good things about life far outweighing the bad, how can it not be an extraordinarily wonderful thing to be living in these times -- for preponderant numbers of us?  

  • How can we not want to see this bounty spread to include all of us -- every single human -- everywhere?  Leaving not a single soul behind.  
  • It is nothing less than a monumental tragedy that even one fellow human should have their one life-chance spoiled by unrequited, painfully bitter yearnings for what the luckier among us take for granted -- for us all to lose so much which might have been, but is forever unknowable.
  • How could "optimized human well-being" not be a supreme advantage to each of us -- individually and collectively -- within an extremely abundant, but viciously hazardous universe -- where humankind's very survival likely depends on the level and quality of cooperation we can sustain -- as ONE remarkable, unified, rationalized, concentrated species of life -- so as to be ready to deal with the unforeseeable -- at our maximum power-levels?
4.  For those who crave meaningful lives (and who doesn't?), surely you have to agree that a lot of help is at hand, as never before.  

5.  I say, "lucky us," fully confident that this will all be even further enhanced by us, passed down the generations, and accelerate human betterment -- if fate continues to favor us. 

"WOW" is the word

David Nelson

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