Tuesday, October 21, 2014

CC COUNTY HIV/AIDS Consortium Meet & Greet, 10/22/14/WED (6 to 7 pm)

Posted:  21 Oct 14


To help publicize an informal "meet-and-greet" -- on Wednesday, 22 October, 6 - 7:00 pm -- in Pittsburg -- for the Contra Costa County HIV/AIDS Consortium.

Directly below is the announcement flyer from Supervisor Glover's office.

Below that is a capture and link which describes the Consortium in their own words and lists links to further information of note.
You will see that this capture also includes a link to the mailing list.  That list is described, thusly:
"The Consortium is responsible for developing recommendations about how to spend Ryan White funds that come to Contra Costa County. Each year the Consortium discusses: programs and services; areas of greatest need and best methods to meet those needs for Contra Costa residents. Sign up for the Consortium mailing list to receive information about meetings, special events and to participate in needs assessment surveys."
David Nelson

Extracted from Contra Costa County website link - http://cchealth.org/aids/consortium/

HIV/AIDS Consortium

The Contra Costa HIV/AIDS Consortium advocates and provides support for people impacted by HIV/AIDS, plans prevention and care services, develops recommendations and advises governments and community leaders.
The Consortium is responsible for developing recommendations about programs and services, areas of greatest need and the best methods to meet those needs for Contra Costa residents.
The Consortium is a network of people dedicated to improving the health and well-being of individuals and communities impacted by HIV/AIDS. Members reflect the diversity of Contra Costa and include representatives from agencies that provide HIV/AIDS prevention and care services, people living with HIV/AIDS, concerned community members and staff from Contra Costa Health Services.
The Consortium meets monthly and all meetings are open to the public.
For more information about upcoming meetings, contact Consortium staff at 925-313-6941.

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