Friday, October 31, 2014


Posted: 31 Oct 14


To accumulate links to innovative ways to set oneself up to receive the EXACT categories of news one desires, as easily, reliably, enjoyably, and thoroughly as needed, so as to: (1) inform you of good discoveries, without delay and (2) to help me keep track of growing numbers of these.


This morning's discovery of triggers the renewal of my efforts to consolidate, all in one place (like an infinite tool-box), all the news-delivery tools I discover, which can fulfill the above purpose.  I have examined this FREE website and have found it to be impressive enough to enroll -- on my desktop AND Android smart phone.  It really is an excellent approach. offers: "All news, blogs, and social media feeds in one simple interface." [My job is to eventually gather ALL simple interfaces into one simple, consolidating interface -- celebrating the achievements of ALL others, as they become known to me]
This is the first of what I hope will be many options, to help you choose exactly what you need, as circumstances change.

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2014, The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved. BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along -- and are urged to do so -- as long as it's all done free of charge, unchanged, you include this statement, AND you inform me as to how it is being used -- at YOUR convenience but, hopefully soonest.

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