Monday, September 23, 2013

SCIENCE RESOURCE: Scientific American -- Daily Digest for 9/23/13

Posted:  23 Sep 13


The purpose of this bulletin is to raise awareness of an excellent resource, "Scientific American," from whom you may subscribe to receive newsletters containing information as shown below, from today's Daily Digest. (Sign up for free newsletters on the right, center, of most every page -- or purchase a subscription to the whole superlative thing)

This is a wonderful glimpse into how science is done (I know it's teaching me more) and some of what is being examined these days to expand understanding and improve the human condition.

Source:  Scientific American, Daily Digest, 9/23/13


NASA’s exoplanet-hunting telescope has always had an unsung talent for star physics on the side. Now that Kepler’s primary mission is compromised by broken reaction wheels on the spacecraft, some scientists hope to refocus it on an unprecedented study of the most massive stars in our galaxy, whose inner workings are the least well understood of all star classes.

Modern genomes and ancient mummies are yielding clues to why the life span of Homo sapiens far exceeds that of other primates


The more you pursue self-esteem, the more your confidence—and happiness—will recede. The following four steps will help you break the cycle.


Enzymes called topoisomerases are crucial for the expression of extremely long genes, including many that have been linked to autism


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