Saturday, September 14, 2013

Partial Death Knell for Plastic Bags in Pittsburg (Update : 9/14)

Posted:  20 Aug 13
** Update: 2 Sep 13
*** Update: 14 Sep 13

1.  Please allow a few seconds for this embedded public notice of intent to load.  A second document (click here), places the embedded notice in perspective.

2.  Please note that the public comment period, on the embedded preliminary notice, began this date and runs till Monday, 9 September, at 5:00 pm.  The issue is to be decided at the City Council meeting of 9/16/13 (click here).

3.  Council Member Johnson just provided this link (click here) to provide more public insights, in everyday language.  Thank you, sir.

4.  This will be Item #9 on the City Council meeting agenda (see this PCJ bulletin) and is expected to be decided upon, then.  If you have feelings about this, now is the time to make them known.

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