Friday, September 13, 2013

City of Pittsburg -- City Council Meeting - w/AGENDA - 9/16/MON (7 - 9:00 PM)

Posted:  9 Sep 13

Note:  The agenda is embedded, below.  Allow a few seconds for it to load.  Or you may go directly to the City website (click here)

City Council Meeting
Date:9/16/2013 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

A Fantastic, Helpful Document -- the Agenda, below!!

1.  The public's business is wide-open for all to see and consider, in proper order. Among the things you might wish to note, in the below agenda, is Item #9,  a proposed "Plastic Bag Regulation," also referred to in this separate PCJ bulletin (click here).

2.  I know, with great certainty, that the City Council needs to hear your thoughts on this, and other things, before they decide.  Their decision will affect daily routine (who doesn't grocery shop?) and the cleanliness of the territory and protection of the environment.  

3.  Here is an excellent "East County Today" article Councilmember Ben Johnson pointed us to, to give us a bit of background.  And, here is a typically excellent Wikipedia discussion.

4.  There naturally seem to be strong opinions on both sides of the question.  What's yours? If you wish to discuss it here, a bit, the comment space, below, is at our disposal.

-- David Nelson

City Council 16 Sep 13 Agenda

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