Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WESPAC: CIVIC CHALLENGE of the YEAR -- Yea or Nay -- Part 1 (9/11)

Posted:  11 Sep 13

This Bulletin has a Special Urgency
One Critical Deadline is this Friday; others will follow

  1. The high purposes of this bulletin are explained
  2. A brief background concerning the group whose work this bulletin celebrates
  3. A brief synopsis of a formal public response contained in Section 4, which has been developed for your careful civic review and comment
  4. The actual public response and "Electronic Petition," which it is hoped you will "sign."
  5. A comment area, below this document, where you are requested to formally express your views and votes on the matter.  If you have any difficulty entering your comments, below, please make them at this blog's Facebook page (click here)

1.  Purpose of this Bulletin

1.1  To present a petition authored by an ad hoc work-group of concerned citizens who have been developing a suitable response to an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), under review, concerning the contemplated WesPac project, whose purpose is to establish full-blown crude oil transfer and storage operations in west Pittsburg.   To learn more about this WesPac proposal, please (click here) and/or search this blog on keyword "WesPac."

1.2  More specifically, this bulletin exists to aid democracy-in-action by:
  • presenting to you, for your consideration the embedded response -- the results of hard work, well-performed.  You are requested to review the document, carefully, and advise as to your opinions in time for Friday's deadline, if possible.  If you miss the deadline, your comments will still be invaluable both now, and for the next parts of the public discussion.
  • urgently requesting you to treat the document as a form of "electronic petition," by indicating your personal comments, for or against or undecided, in the comment spaces provided at the bottom of this bulletin.
  • also, urgently requesting you to vigorously help to promote this City-Journal, by word of mouth or other means, so that more and more of your fellow citizens will not miss out on this and future civic opportunities and duties that matter so much.

2.  Background
  • The work-group formed immediately following a workshop conducted by the City on 26 August (please see this bulletin, entitled, "A SIGNIFICANT CIVIC EVENT -- WESPAC Workshop").  
  • The purpose of the work-group is to gather maximum public opinion and use it to formulate a suitable response to the proposal
  • The work-group has been working hard to formulate a response within the last half of the 45-day DEIR public review period -- the time allowed for this phase of the formal proposal process.  
  • The end of that 45-day period is close of business on Friday, 13 September.

3.  Synopsis

The response/petition document works as follows:
  • It argues that, so far, the public analysis is overlooking some critically important things, affecting the health, safety and quality of life -- both in Pittsburg and beyond
  • It calls for insuring that these issues are satisfactorily addressed.
  • It argues that the nature of the crude oil, to be processed here, needs to be thoroughly and scienficially examined and reported on, for all knowable hazards.
  • It calls for fuller understanding as to what will happen, downstream of the oil operations.
  • It calls for fuller investigation as to the quality of the crude oil to be handled here.
  • It calls for assurances concerning the release of toxins into the atmosphere
  • It points out how the repulsive, noxious smells created would change Pittsburg's appeal as a place to live (an implicit contract), dramatically
  • It points out that the risk of accidents and spills is not a trivial risk -- as born out by continuing bad experiences elsewhere -- and that adequate assurances be offered.
  • It points out that if the crude oil is of low quality, industries downstream will increase their environmental impact by processing it.
  • It points out that the total health impacts have not yet been determined with sufficient thoroughness -- to satisfactorily address the full spectrum of high risk factors that threaten.
  • It points out that use of "clean technology" is implied, but is not sufficiently specified nor guaranteed
  • It points out the total noise impact on the public routine (from machinery, increased rail, truck and ship operations, etc) has not yet been studied sufficiently.
  • It points out that human habitat is much too close to the project site.
  • It points out the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) doesn't think too highly of Pittsburg's air quality track record, already
  • It points out that the harm from a bad decision, based on insufficient information could be extremely high and irreversible, if this project is permitted to proceed.


The embedded document has been moved to a separate bulletin, called "Part 2," because I-pads cannot get to the comment area below.  Thus, please (a) go to Part 2 to view the document, then (b) return here to comment, below.  Thanks

Closing Notes:

  1. It may be that extra public support will be needed to insure that resources are available to support the cost of doing the extra research requested.
  2. The drafters of this response are fulfilling a vital function by providing a carefully considered communication designed to help the City Council reach a favorable decision, as it has properly expected the public to do.
  3. These citizens are to be commended for their dedication and meaningful service toward the public good
  4. They need all the support they can get -- now and as the process continues toward its conclusion in the indeterminate future.
  5. It is noted, with a great deal of pride, admiration and appreciation, that civic-minded fellow humans, who reside both within Pittsburg and far beyond its borders, involved themselves so deeply -- sensing and proving that this matter has significant ramifications far beyond Pittsburg, alone.
  6. This whole process has greatly aided my defining what public functions need to be fulfilled, more permanently, by the Civic Mentor public system-of-systems, under construction.
  7. If you know of other civic work-groups that need to post a bulletin here, please indicate that, too, in the comment area.
SO, PLEASE ENTER YOUR "Yea" or "Nay" COMMENT, BELOW.  In order to give the comment due weight, please add your name and at least your street name and city of residence (if that's sensible to do under your circumstances).  Thanks


David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.


  1. Nay on Westpac! Protect our air and water. Think green industry. We will be poorer without them, but a lot healthier.
    Ruby Nelson

  2. I'm very pro Wespac.
    Voicing my opinions here is as useless as a nipple on a man. Liberal Pittsburg need to keep the biased propaganda out of the High school and Junior college by presenting hard fact from both sides. Opposed to feeding young adults the over dramatic interpretations of the EIR and false disaster scenarios.

    Tell them about; local job creation, Tax revenue, and the compliance with California safety regulation for refineries (including, but not limited to: the retrofitting of existing facility's to meet modern standards and specifications that are among the HIGHEST standards to date in America for safety- air quality- and efficiency).

    Why not spend the energy used by “stop Wespac" to create a: "bring trader Joe’s to downtown Pittsburg, instead of a park" group. Then you would actually be helping to solve the problem of keeping interest downtown after the transit village is built on railroad.
