Saturday, September 7, 2013

NEW DEADLINE: WesPac Pittsburg Energy Infrastructure Project - RDEIR (9/13/Fri)

7 Sep 13/12:10 am




To help publicize the seven-day extension of the public comment period on the WesPac RDEIR, to expire on Friday, 13 September, at 5:00 pm, as indicated in reference (a), above.


Originally, reference (b) circulated information concerning the 45-day public comment period on the Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (RDEIR), for the WesPac Project, with that period ending on Friday, 6 September.

A few minutes ago, my attention was called to the revision of the deadline to 13 September.  That's not much more time to marshal civic responses on this phase of the decision-making process, but every little bit helps.

Concerned citizens are planning to pass out literature and information and circulate petitions at the Seafood Festival.  Watch for them.

I was fortunate enough to have been involved with an email discussion of the issue with concerned citizens.  It was through that means that the revision just became known to me.  I am very grateful for this alert and timely assistance.

David Nelson

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