Monday, September 30, 2013

Rep Miller: "ObamaCare is already working"

Posted:  30 Sep 13

On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Rep. George Miller <> wrote:

Dear Friend,
Did you see what the Contra Costa Times said about the Affordable Care Act this weekend in an editorial?
“In California, Obamacare is already working.”
As you have probably heard, there’s a new, simple online marketplace to shop for health insurance. In California, families who are uninsured or those who are self-insured and paying too much for their premiums can visit to compare familiar health plans side-by-side, see if they qualify for discounts, and purchase coverage that fits their budget and their lifestyle.
Open enrollment starts October 1st, no matter if the federal government is open or closed.
This is just the latest in encouraging developments benefiting Californians. But don’t just take my word for it, the Times’ editorial that ran over the weekend -- side-by-side with an opinion piece I authored with State Senator DeSaulnier--declared,
“And so far, it's going better than expected...
Today, thanks to Obamacare, more than 1 million formerly uninsured Californians have coverage, and 400,000 younger than 26 have protection through their parents' insurance. Californians can no longer be denied coverage because of a pre-existing medical condition. Medical costs are dropping and premium costs for the state health insurance exchange, while the 10th highest in the country, are significantly lower than anticipated...
The nearly four out of five Californians who have health insurance through their employers or through Medicare will not be affected by the Affordable Care Act and do not have to do anything when sign-up begins Tuesday. But the 20 percent who were uninsured should sign up for it and they will see benefits that will, over time, lower health care costs and improve medical outcomes for all.”
Doesn’t sound like we should shut the government down over something as helpful to everyday Californians as this, does it?
To learn more about the Affordable Care Act and how it affects you, or to get covered, visit my website or go to today.

Member of Congress


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