Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WESPAC: CIVIC CHALLENGE of the YEAR -- Part 3 -- More Documentation (9/16)

Posted:  16 Sep 13


To publicize three more document-sets generated through the workgroup of concerned citizens acting in response to the WesPac proposal to reactivate oil industry operations within Pittsburg.  This is in addition to material contained in the 11 Sept City-Journal bulletin, entitled, "WESPAC: CIVIC CHALLENGE of the YEAR -- Yea or Nay -- Parts 1 and 2."

Specifically, this bulletin embeds three complete sets of documents provided this morning, by Diane Bailey, Scientist, National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) -- in order to deepen public understanding of this major civic challenge.

The document-sets are:
  1. A letter to the City, dtd 13 Sept 13, from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)
  2. A letter to the City, dtd 13 Sept 13, from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
  3. A letter to the City, dtd 13 Sept 13, from concerned citizens

David Nelson

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