Sunday, September 1, 2013

Senator Boxer: Celebrating Labor Day

Posted:  1 Sep 13

On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 10:35 AM, U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer <> wrote:

US  Senator Barbara Boxer
News from Barbara Boxer, United  States Senator from California
September 01, 2013
Dear Friend:

On Labor Day 2013, people all over the United States will gather to honor the men and women who helped build the American Dream.  On this day, we honor Samuel Gompers, Frances Perkins, Walter Reuther, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, and other great leaders whose vision and determination set the course for dignity for all American workers.

And we honor more Americans: the working men and women who harvest our food, teach our children, deliver our mail, clean our streets and office buildings, and build our homes, roads and vehicles.

Many of the most important achievements for working men and women are fruits of organized labor’s efforts.  The eight-hour workday, Social Security, health insurance, unemployment and disability insurance, occupational safety standards, fair wages and decent working conditions - labor fought to win these protections for all Americans.

Today this great legacy is in danger.  Labor Day 2013 finds labor under attack in Congress and in state legislatures across the nation, where "right to work" bills are thinly veiled assaults on workers' rights.

To meet this threat, we must all work together to protect the prosperity and hard-fought gains won by generations of working Americans.  You can count on me to keep fighting to protect Social Security and Medicare, defend the right to organize and the right to vote, and keep the nation’s focus on creating jobs, not protecting tax breaks for corporations, millionaires, and billionaires.

I will also keep working to ensure that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) remains fully staffed and functioning.  This summer, after years of Republican obstruction, the Senate confirmed four new members of the NLRB and approved Chairman Mark Gaston Pearce for another term on the Board.  Now, with its first full complement of Senate-confirmed Board members in a decade, I am confident that the NLRB can carry out its mission of protecting workers' rights and keeping our workplaces free from abuse, harassment, intimidation, and unsafe working conditions.

The goals of working men and women are the key to a strong America.  By defending labor's legacy and meeting the needs of working Americans, we can make America a more vibrant and prosperous nation.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator

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