Sunday, September 15, 2013

US NAVY: The USS Iowa (BB-61, retired) -- Lest We Forget

Posted:  15 Sep 13


To help celebrate a national treasure, the mighty battleship, the retired USS Iowa (BB-61), nicknamed, "The Big Stick."  It now serves as an interactive naval museum in the Port of Los Angeles.

Specifically, this bulletin places in mnemonic reach the very rich website for the museum-ship, which was transferred to its permanent home, during May 2012, from Richmond, CA.


I embedded the website in this bulletin so you can quickly look around.  If you wish to linger at the site, you might be more comfortable going there by clicking this direct link.

Also, for your convenience, here is a Wikipedia discussion of this awesome war machine.

It is planned that articles like this, having to do with our precious military heritage, will be given a permanent home, within the emergent "Civic Mentor" -- clustered with other information of practical and historical military significance.

I hope you will find this information to be worth your while.

David Nelson

I am grateful to my former Coast Guard Commanding Officer and close friend who called this and other topics to my attention.  He has been helping me form in my mind how I should thoroughly address the military aspects of a comprehensive content management system-of-systems for the people -- the Civic Mentor -- under construction.

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