Monday, September 16, 2013


Posted:  16 Sep 13


The purpose of this bulletin is to alert you to more proof that education works and puts dollars in the ol' pocket -- and that Los Medanos College (LMC) is a priceless resource on our very doorsteps.

Specifically, I simply had to tell you about the exciting thing I learned this weekend.  Maybe this will reassure some of us that the rather tiny (considering what you get that you didn't have before) investment, up front, can change life for the much, much better -- faster than might have been thought.

The Story

1.  Last Saturday, while getting "my ears lowered," my barber told me of her son's marvelous experience resulting from attending LMC.

2.  He took some classes having to do with oil industry operations and was immediately hired (with great pay and benefits) by a Richmond refinery!!  That very refinery also arranged to hire students who hadn't even completed the training, yet.  WOW!!  Can't do much better than that!

3.  Within months, he earned his first promotion, in large part due to what he learned at LMC.

Hint:  You might explore the websites of firms you'd like to join -- talk to them and see what training they'd like you to have.   This applies to wherever you'd like to work.  The oil industry is but an example of what can be done.

David Nelson

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