Monday, September 30, 2013


Posted:  1 Oct 13

1.  Purpose

The purpose of this bulletin is to try to make it easier for fellow citizens to find answers to their questions about the new "Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)" -- and, indeed, to help them know more of the questions they should be asking.  


  • The Health Insurance Marketplaces open October 1, allowing people to compare health plans, get questions answered, and enroll in plans for coverage that will begin in 2014.
  • The websites, provided here, are portals into a wealth of easy, practical information to help simplify your personal investigations -- and will lead you as deeply into the matter as you're likely to need.

2.  Links You're Going to Like

2.1  VIDEO ~~ A BONUS FIND!  A PERFECT STARTING POINT! Health Reform Explained Video: "Health Reform Hits Main Street"  

Here is a great, animated video produced by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). 

  • Less than 10 minutes long, this fine presentation takes us through a wonderful, clear, and vivid explanation of what this law is all about.
  • It reveals enough of the why's, when's, how's, and wherefore's to deepen understanding.
  • Instead of your trying to examine the thousands of puzzle pieces, one at a time, this gives you a "picture of the completed puzzle" -- just like viewing the box containing those pieces -- and a great place to start.  (Actually, we're still in the early stages of this profound new law, national experiments have to be conducted, and time will have to unroll more surprises -- before we'll fully know what the puzzle is to finally look like.)

2.2  AARP HEALTH LAW ANSWERS ( -- Learn how the health care law affects you and your families. Answer a few questions to receive a personally customized report. (You don't have to be an AARP member to use this service)

On the landing page, you will also see links to:
  • FAQs
  • Fact sheet
  • Tools
  • Health Law Facts and 
  • Timelines.

2.3  COVERED CALIFORNIA ( "Your destination for affordable health care" in California.

2.4   STATE BY STATE ( -- An excellent portal for access to pertinent information, throughout the nation.  ("Health reform is already making a difference.")  

Learn more about how the Affordable Care act is improving healthcareClick on the map at this link to learn how the Affordable Care Act is helping people in your State."

2.5.  FACT SHEETS ( -- Click here to see specialized information on the government site.

3.  An Observation and a Thank You

We are privileged to be witnessing (and participating in) one of those special moments in the life of the nation -- where it re-engineers itself -- IN A VERY BIG WAY -- to meet the changing times -- and to prevail over them.  Life is going to get better for a whole lot more people.

Special thanks to my Facebook buddy, William Wetzel, for inspiring this bulletin and for giving my own investigation a great and helpful headstart. 

Hope this helps,

David Nelson

All Original Content © 2013 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby waive those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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