Wednesday, December 12, 2012

COUNTY NEWSLETTER: District 5 -- Fall eGram - 12/12/12

Posted: 12 Dec 12

This posting contains:
  1. the announcement flyer for Supervisor Glover's Fall newsletter and 
  2. the actual newsletter, embedded here below the announcement, for your convenience.  You may enlarge the newsletter by clicking the icon in the lower right corner of the embedded frame.

Read the District V eGram
The District V eGram is a quarterly newsletter that is sent out electronically. The Fall edition is now available. 
If you want to view the entire newsletter, or to subscribe, link to
Gangs & Human Trafficking

Street gangs have discovered that trafficking young girls is safer and just as profitable as drug dealing. In addition, this source of income can be used over and  and over. The supervisor’s gang task force and reentry collaborative are having a symposium to learn more about this fast-growing criminal activity.
News You Can Use
California winters may be mild but it is still cold enough to be bone-chilling and lurking dangers. Here are some safety tips to help you survive the cold weather. 

Zoning in on enterprise

A new Enterprise Zone will help employers, job seekers and businesses in Pittsburg and Bay Point.

Order in the court

Budget cuts have adversely affected the services of the Superior Court that it is depending more and more on a new phone system that will cut down on waiting time for callers with questions. 

Youth Summit
If it is spring, the supervisor’s Youth Summit must be right around the corner. Planning is underway.
Homeowners' dreams
Sparkpoint is a county initiative partnering with private foundations and community-based organizations to help families’ get their finances in order.
Season’s Greetings!
Supervisor Glover, his family and staff extend holiday greetings to all of the residents of District V.

Ccc Gramfall2012

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