Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Congressman Miller and Your $2,200

Posted: 5 Dec 12

On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Rep. George Miller <> wrote:

Dear Friends,

1.  In response to my survey this August, 68 percent of you replied that Congress should only extend tax cuts to middle class families while letting rates for the wealthiest 2 percent of all Americans go up. In fact, national polls reflect the same view.

2.  Unfortunately, not everyone in Congress is following your advice. That’s why I joined my fellow Democrats yesterday to try to force an up-or-down vote in the House to extend tax cuts for every single American family on their first $250,000 of income.

3.  House Republicans are still blocking a bill that passed the Senate nearly six months ago to keep the lower tax rates for middle income families but allow rates to go up for the wealthiest Americans. President Obama strongly supports the bill, and so do I. But we need to force the Republicans in the House to let us vote on it.

4.  Will you tell House Republican leaders what saving $2,200 would mean to you and your family? Speak out on Twitter with the hashtag #My2k.

5.  It’s crystal clear -- the only thing standing in the way of your tax relief are Republicans in Congress and their incomprehensible position: Millionaires over the middle class.

6.  The House should vote on extending middle class tax cuts now – before time runs out.


Member of Congress

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