Friday, December 7, 2012

The City-Journal is Alive and Growing Fast!

Posted: 18 Nov 12

Friends, keep an eye on this 
"Pittsburg City-Journal (PCJ)"  

It began, late last year as a "neighborhood external monitor" for my 114-home housing colony -- to work, hand-in-hand with internal tools we're still building there.  
  • But it made no sense to limit access to one neighborhood -- when the information is so widely relevant 
  • -- nor does it make sense to turn our neighborhood (or City), alone, into a "fortress," where crime and other misfortune bounces off our solidified walls onto unprotected neighborhoods and communities 
  • -- for, in no way, do we live in a vacuum -- we need one another to flourish -- which is why we are a society, in the first place. 
  • -- No, for our BEST chances in this life, every single neighborhood and community needs to become a rationally unified fortress for its residents 
  • -- in full cooperation within and among all the neighborhoods, the government levels, and host of surrounding communities with whom we are so interdependent
  • -- with a view toward taking all steps necessary and sufficient to turn every single neighborhood and community that wants it, into a secure and joyful habitat, conducive to productive pursuit of "life, liberty and happiness" for its members and the larger society.
  • -- and so, this thing became a "City-Journal"-- with these ulterior motives in mind -- whose reach began to expand throughout our City, causing it to be renamed, accordingly, 
And now, it has outgrown its name, once again.  
It is forming into the early vehicle I need in order 
to introduce, to you, the practical systems that are to follow,
for your consideration... and to give them effect.

1.  In 10 months, readership has rapidly grown to average over 6,000 visits per month! (Thank you, friends!) -- and this month, it looks like it will top 10,000!  And, readership is leap-frogging across the nation -- which was always the ultimate intention (but in a far different form and pace than is happening).  May it continue to do so.  It's an endless race to try to keep it fresh and increase its relevance.

10,000 is a magic number in my predictions.  I believe that at that point, a "critical mass" will 
start to offer a momentum where introduction of new systems will make good sense.

2.  And why artificially restrict its scope to just our "home base and immediate surroundings?"  Our whole beloved nation and world are our territories.  People, everywhere, are our neighbors -- all are indispensible citizens of one great world.  And there exists a public service niche (I firmly believe) that our entire great species desperately needs filling, with what I have in mind -- a consolidation of life's theoretical and practical fragments into one easily accessible place for all who desire this enormous advantage.

3.  So, you have been witnessing its evolution in "rough draft" (or alpha) form.  I'm now working out Version 2.0, which will sort out the information, more logically, for the other people and cities and communities of the County, the SFBA, the State, the Nation ... and, eventually, beyond.  The PCJ continues to redefine and resolve itself (into its parent and sister systems) to hopefully become a world player, and undergo it's final renaming.  Why not?

4.  It is kinda scary doing so much of this in public.  No one likes their weaknesses and missteps on full display.  But, it makes no sense (it even feels immoral) to withhold useful information until my sense of perfection is satisfied (if that is even possible).  By its very nature, this project has to be executed on a public stage.  So you get to watch me blunder along, in the open, but hopefully toward a valuable outcome.  I'm counting on others, many others, joining in, when the time is right.  And, that's starting to happen, thank God!

5.  It won't be just one blog, for much longer.  This is "the start-up stage."  This was a necessary preliminary step in building and establishing an entire "system of systems" of web objects (and other things) -- seeking to prolong and enhance the quality of the life experience for all human beings, everywhere -- all passengers and crew on the greatest of journeys -- human existence through time.

6.  In the coming weeks and months, all will begin to see and better understand where all of this is heading, and why.  Explanations are not sufficient, alone.  Practicality is the whole point.  And actual demonstration is the most convincing way to convey.  Once adequately demonstrated, understood, adapted, and adopted  (if found to be worthy), fellow humans will surely help refine, perfect and fulfill this whole thing.

7.  I seek not to duplicate the great work, so far advanced through the brilliant dedication and hard experience of fellow humans, past and present.  Rather, I hope to pull together as much of the fruits of OUR life experiences as possible -- all in one convenient place -- where these can be more readily capitalized upon, by anyone, to better serve real human needs -- and be readily integrated into their personal routines -- for the entire duration of their lifespans -- so as to present, exactly when (or before) needed, powerful tools to help most anyone to fulfill their best individual purposes in this life.

8.  Why must we keep "reinventing wheels" (and repeating avoidable mistakes, with each of us figuring out what has already been well figured out and tested -- or, perhaps, blundering along, not knowing the right questions to ask in the first place -- or deciding where to begin or what to do next)?  So many ready solutions to day-to-day problems await, within easy reach, but are often unknown or forgotten -- as if these didn't already exist or are being constructed.  What a waste of priceless life-resources.   And, for me, these are exciting times, for I will finally get to see it all myself.  Maybe I have a genuine new "wheel" to add to life's engine, if fate is not playing a terrible trick on me.  This project has been far too vast for one brain (even the designer's) to fully grasp, until it exists in reality, as is starting to happen, at long last.

9.  For me, this is not a new inspiration, but a master life-project.  It has been maturing for around 5 decades.  Back in the 90's, I realized I needed something like an internet to fulfill this intricate idea-set.  Without that remarkable invention, these aspirations would not have been feasible.  With it, the desired results are within reach and inevitable -- either through myself or, more likely, through our consolidated efforts.  Fate delivered a vital, missing puzzle piece at the perfect moment.

10.  And, as I said before, this builds on the hard work of others -- many of whom are similarly embarked on such an effort.  It is my intention and hope to find them all and make common cause with them -- and to speed our work.  Some, I have already detected.  The rest are being systematically sought.

11.  It is within our power to do so many more profoundly important things -- the timing has never been more perfect -- all "ducks are lining up in a row" -- thanks to that marvelous human achievement -- The Internet Blessing (among others) -- which is unlocking and consolidating so much more of the great power each of us contains and brings into our world -- to help us grow the inventory of goodness which makes life worth living.

12.  And because we can, and because the stakes are so high, then we MUST give a serious attempt!  At least, to not try is not in the cards I have been dealt.

13.  The working title for this undertaking is "The Mentor Enterprise / ELMS," where ELMS stands for "Entire Life-time Management Systems."  It represents the core concept and the corporation (under construction) which will optimize and perpetuate the whole thing, until permanently instituted, if found to be worthy after public trials.

14.  Let the holiday spirit permeate every single day, for ourselves and for the generations to follow!  We are all writing this particular chapter of human history, under fate's watchful eyes.

David Nelson

P.S.  You'll notice that many postings here are dated far into the future.  I have to use this false dating to force articles I want to keep at the top of the bulletin board to stay there.  Another of the many reasons it is necessary for me to develop Version 2.0, as quickly as I can.

All Original Content © 2012 , The MENTOR Enterprises / ELMS, All Rights Reserved -- BUT, I hereby suspend those rights, to this extent: You may freely copy and pass this along, if you think it will do some good -- as long as it's free of charge, unchanged, and you include this statement.

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