Friday, December 21, 2012


Posted:  21 Dec 12

1.  The November 2012 elections resulted in the reelection of City Council members Ben Johnson and Will Casey.  Councilmember Nancy Parent has assumed the position of Mayor and Councilmember Sal Evola, of Vice Mayor.  Continuing in office as fifth Council member is Pete Longmire.

2.  Regarding Mayor Parent, here are: (a)  the Contra Costa Times article announcing her accession to office; (b) a quickly downloadable bio on her fascinating life of dedicated public service; and (c) her Facebook page.
  • Friendly suggestion:  Grab a cup of coffee or tea and get ready to enjoy a too brief, but powerful two-page story about Mayor Parent.  (It'll download quickly -- and you'll probably want to keep it, anyway)  
  • You might consider reading it out loud to the young folks, for her story speaks to everyone, wonderfully; the lessons and inspiration to be gleaned are invaluable; and you will come away feeling very good about people, in general, and about Pittsburg's continuing good fortune.

3.  Here are Google search results for the remaining City Council members:

Congratulations to our senior public officials 
for their high achievement!

Best wishes for another fruitful term of service 
to our home town, County, State, and Nation.

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