Tuesday, December 11, 2012

EAST COUNTY -- LIVE! (In the Northeast Corner of the Bay Area)

Posted:  11 Dec 12

You'll Want to be Aware 
of the East County "Spotlight"


I'd like to point out to you some results Frank MacCallister has been producing for us East County folks over the last 11 years.   The information below this note contains all the details you'll need to get started.

He provides us with a practical way of keeping an eye on events within our surroundings -- keeping us in the know -- and increasing the value of living here, rather than someplace else.

His service is free of charge to us.  He receives his just rewards from the approval of the public and the gratitude of advertisers (who are also serving us and want us to know it).

I am delighted to be able to call this helpful thing to your attention.  You might want to subscribe to his work for automatic weekly updates.

I will try to remember to post periodic reminders here.  But, the system I'm working on for you will be able to conveniently link you to the work our neighbors are producing -- in a more prominent, easy-to-get-to-when-needed place -- there and waiting for the moment it is most needed.

By this, and other things, I mean to celebrate and promote to you the fine contributions of ALL our neighbors -- each a determined contributor to the quality of our existence in this place and time!

Thanks, Frank!



Frank MacCallister
Construction Arts
505 Kean Ave.,
Antioch, CA 94509

"Everything You Want to Know This Week in Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley & Pittsburg, CA"

East County's Own Community Website Since 2001
Business Directory, Community Calendar, & Coupon Section

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