Thursday, December 13, 2012


Posted: 13 Dec 12


To alert readers to traps that may appear in their "snail mail" (and elsewhere) to drain precious dollars away from their financial accounts, involuntarily.

This advisory explains how this matter came to my attention; who this company is; the class of creature to which it appears to belong; a partial consumer complaint track record; some remedies in the works; at least one law firm ready to help you take legal action; and a friendly recommendation (since the well being of society is everyone's business).


This morning, my wife was going over the monthly bills and found a mysterious check for $11, from "TrileGiants," claiming to be reimbursement for transactions that made no sense.  Alarm bells.  Is this another way for the bad guys to get good info?  A quick Google check revealed that this was not a "free-bee" and triggered this investigation.

A Corporate Profile

  • TRILEGIANTS (Google search) -- oh, there's much that has been said about all of this.
  • Who are they?  Their website
  • Here's what Wikipedia says. (Affinion Group is the parent of TrileGiants, among others)

Apparent Class of Corporation

  • VERTRUE (ex-MWI) -- This [VerTrue] is one of a rash of "negative-option" schemes now making the rounds.  Companies like Vertrue (formerly MWI, alias MemberWorks Inc.) enroll you in their plan without your asking and it's up to you to cancel the enrollment. Often cancelling isn't enough and more drastic action is needed. (Consumer Affairs, Scam Alerts)

Corporate Reputation
Remedies in Play

From Gilman Law LLP


Keep a close eye on changes in family and business financial accounts -- don't let unknown expenditures stand without figuring out what they are for.  If they are not authorized, Google is a good place to check for remedies.  Daily visits to on-line accounts is not a bad habit to develop.

Here's to as prosperous a new year  
as you deserve.


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